السلام عليكم..
ارجو زيادة توضيح موقف المسجد وهل كونه علي حياد يعني بالضرورة انه يحرض المسلمين في هذه البلاد علي ان يكونوا ايضا علي الحياد ؟ وما المشكلة لو ان مساجد ايرلندا كان لها دور اكبر في تعريف المسلمين بأهمية هذا الموضوع وتعريف الأحزاب ايضا بأهمية اصوات الجالية ومطالبها؟ نرجو مزيد توضيح حول موقف مساجد ايرلندا من هذا الموضوع الهام
"Wael Benfayed"
كان التعليق على الاتي
Important notice:
Please note the Islamic cultural Centre and all mosques are neutral bodies
نرجو من الجميع ان يعلم بان المساجد انما هي مؤسسات محايدة
وانما نتحدث هنا عن صوت المسلم وليس صوت المسجد
Please note the Islamic cultural Centre and all mosques are neutral bodies
نرجو من الجميع ان يعلم بان المساجد انما هي مؤسسات محايدة
وانما نتحدث هنا عن صوت المسلم وليس صوت المسجد
FAO: All Recipients 24 May 2007
It is a long established policy of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland to remain impartial during national and local political elections. It is not the policy of the ICCI to canvass on behalf of any individual or party. The ICCI firmly disassociates itself from the decision by any group, body or lobby to encourage its members or community to vote for one particular party or individual. It is the choice of the individual to vote for the person/party that they feel will address their concerns at government level. The ICCI also disassociates itself from any group, body, or lobby that slanders the characters of any individuals whether Muslim or non-Muslim. The ICCI encourage all Muslims to vote and also cast their votes with wisdom. Issued by ICCI Administration
It is a long established policy of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland to remain impartial during national and local political elections. It is not the policy of the ICCI to canvass on behalf of any individual or party. The ICCI firmly disassociates itself from the decision by any group, body or lobby to encourage its members or community to vote for one particular party or individual. It is the choice of the individual to vote for the person/party that they feel will address their concerns at government level. The ICCI also disassociates itself from any group, body, or lobby that slanders the characters of any individuals whether Muslim or non-Muslim. The ICCI encourage all Muslims to vote and also cast their votes with wisdom. Issued by ICCI Administration