The Schools cultural Mediation Project
(North West Inner City Network)
Has the pleasure of inviting you to the first organised conference on cultural mediation in schools.
“Cultural Mediation in Irish Schools”
Learning from other Experiences
Thursday 21st of February
Clock Tower. Department of Education and Science, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1
10.00 am to 16.00 pm (registration at 9.30)
The Schools Cultural Mediation Project is a North West Inner City project that works with 10 schools in the Dublin 7 School Completion Cluster. The project aims to facilitate and support the integration of migrant parents in their children’s school life. The project has already established a translation and interpretation service for the schools and is now investigating the models of cultural mediation that are relevant to the Irish context.
This conference will present guest speakers from three projects that have been developing and implementing different models of cultural mediation in schools for the past 10 years.
Nihat Dursun Clélia Ongpin:
Project Coordinator/Ethno-Psychologist
Project coordinator Salma Fazil: School Mediator
“Service de Médiation Interculturelle et Sociale” « Espace de Médiation Interculturelle et Sociale »
(Intercultural and Social Mediation Service) (Intercultural and Social Mediation Space)
Charleroi, Belgium Sarcelles, France
Catriona Brown and Sheena Admas, Teachers, Battlefield Primary School, Glasgow
Morning session Chaired by: Bernie Mc Donnell, Education Coordinator POBAL
Afternoon session Chaired by: Philip Watts, NCCRI director
The detailed programme of the day will be available shortly. For registration forms please contact:
Diana Nacu, project Administrator. Email: Tel: 01 87 82 906