Minister Batt O Keeff
Minister of Education and science
We the Muslim Community Lobby of Ireland would like to express thanks to all those who helped to diffuse and depoliticise the Hijab issue.
لوبي الجالية الاسلامية في ايرلندا يشكر جميع من حاول اخراج مشكلة الحجاب من الداشرة السياسية الى الدائرة المدرسية.
Muslim parents are a bit nervous about the situation that their daughters have been put in. Therefore we approached the Ministry of Education and science to have the final say and the sent the following peace of regulation. The regulation does not prohibit wearing of the head scarf (Hijab), which is good, but it leaves it to the decision of the board of governors of the school. These regulations are the same as those given to the Wexford school. so far ministry of Education still use these regulations.
آباء وامهات المسملين في ايرلندا قلقين على ما آلت اليه مسألة ولهذا طلبنا من وزارة التعليم بان توضح الامر وقد ردت بهذا القانون الذي هو يبين ان الحجاب ليس محرما في المدارس وان امناء المدرسة لهم الحق في التدخل في اللبس المدرسي وهو ليس من شان وزارة التعليم في شئ. وان هذه هي اللائحة التي اعطيت لمدير المدرسة في وكسفورد حيث ان وزارة التعليم الايرلندية ليس لديها لائحة اخرى.
In relation to the matter of wearing the hijab in class, the position is as follows:
Section 15(2)(b) of the Education Act 1998 charges Boards of Management with a duty to "uphold, and be accountable to the patron for so upholding, the characteristic spirit of the school as determined by the cultural, educational, moral, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions which inform and are characteristic of the objectives and conduct of the school…".
لائحة 15 (2)ب القانون يتحدث عن ان ادارة المدرسة يجب ان تعنى بالمحافظة على الروح التربوية, الثقافية, الاخلاقيه, الدينية, الاجتماعية واللغوية والوحانية والعادات والتقاليد التي تتميز بها المدرسة.
Section 15(2)(e) of the Act balances this with the requirement for a Board of Management to "have regard to the principles and requirements of a democratic society and have respect and promote respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions languages and ways of life in society".
وانه يجب على الادارة بان توازن بين " مبادئ ومطالب المجتمع الديمقراطي يجب ان يبعث على الاحترام ويحترم اختلاف القيم والمعتقد والعادات واللغات وتعدد طرق الحياة في المجتمع."
Individual school authorities are responsible for the drawing up of school rules including requirements in relation to the wearing of school uniforms. In addition, some schools may have a dress code which usually deals with such matters as hair styles and the wearing of jewellery and rings.
وبهذا لادارت المدارس الحق في اختيار ما يتناسب من لبس والمحافظة على اللبس المدرسي وتحديد بعض الاشياء مثل تسريحة الشعر ولبس الخواتم والجواهر في المدرسة.
It is a matter for the Board of Management to decide on a schools policy in relation to the above issue, and it would not be appropriate for the Department to direct or advise a school in relation to any aspect of its policy on dress code.
I hope this information is of assistance.
Yours sincerely
Carol Slevin
لوبي الجالية الاسلامية في ايرلندا يشكر جميع من حاول اخراج مشكلة الحجاب من الداشرة السياسية الى الدائرة المدرسية.
Muslim parents are a bit nervous about the situation that their daughters have been put in. Therefore we approached the Ministry of Education and science to have the final say and the sent the following peace of regulation. The regulation does not prohibit wearing of the head scarf (Hijab), which is good, but it leaves it to the decision of the board of governors of the school. These regulations are the same as those given to the Wexford school. so far ministry of Education still use these regulations.
آباء وامهات المسملين في ايرلندا قلقين على ما آلت اليه مسألة ولهذا طلبنا من وزارة التعليم بان توضح الامر وقد ردت بهذا القانون الذي هو يبين ان الحجاب ليس محرما في المدارس وان امناء المدرسة لهم الحق في التدخل في اللبس المدرسي وهو ليس من شان وزارة التعليم في شئ. وان هذه هي اللائحة التي اعطيت لمدير المدرسة في وكسفورد حيث ان وزارة التعليم الايرلندية ليس لديها لائحة اخرى.
In relation to the matter of wearing the hijab in class, the position is as follows:
Section 15(2)(b) of the Education Act 1998 charges Boards of Management with a duty to "uphold, and be accountable to the patron for so upholding, the characteristic spirit of the school as determined by the cultural, educational, moral, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions which inform and are characteristic of the objectives and conduct of the school…".
لائحة 15 (2)ب القانون يتحدث عن ان ادارة المدرسة يجب ان تعنى بالمحافظة على الروح التربوية, الثقافية, الاخلاقيه, الدينية, الاجتماعية واللغوية والوحانية والعادات والتقاليد التي تتميز بها المدرسة.
Section 15(2)(e) of the Act balances this with the requirement for a Board of Management to "have regard to the principles and requirements of a democratic society and have respect and promote respect for the diversity of values, beliefs, traditions languages and ways of life in society".
وانه يجب على الادارة بان توازن بين " مبادئ ومطالب المجتمع الديمقراطي يجب ان يبعث على الاحترام ويحترم اختلاف القيم والمعتقد والعادات واللغات وتعدد طرق الحياة في المجتمع."
Individual school authorities are responsible for the drawing up of school rules including requirements in relation to the wearing of school uniforms. In addition, some schools may have a dress code which usually deals with such matters as hair styles and the wearing of jewellery and rings.
وبهذا لادارت المدارس الحق في اختيار ما يتناسب من لبس والمحافظة على اللبس المدرسي وتحديد بعض الاشياء مثل تسريحة الشعر ولبس الخواتم والجواهر في المدرسة.
It is a matter for the Board of Management to decide on a schools policy in relation to the above issue, and it would not be appropriate for the Department to direct or advise a school in relation to any aspect of its policy on dress code.
I hope this information is of assistance.
Yours sincerely
Carol Slevin
on behlf of the Education and Science Ministry