خطاب اندا كني
Keynote Address By Fine Gael Leader, Enda Kenny TD, Ard Fheis 2009
I come here tonight to speak to you about the challenges facing the country and about my plan to get Ireland working again.
حزب الفيناقيل سيخرج ايرلندا من الركود الاقتصادي
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs prioritised as FG Vision can drag Ireland out of recession - Coveney
Speech and Summary by Fine Gael Communications, Energy & Natural Resources Spokesman, Simon Coveney TD at Fine Gael Ard Fheis 2009
خطاب الابداع في الاقتصاد والنهوض بالاقتصاد في ايرلندا
Speech by Fine Gael Innovation Spokeswoman Deirdre Clune at the Fine Gael 2009 Ard Fheis
In the 1990s Ireland was one of the world’s most competitive and fastest growing economies. Low taxation and EU membership contributed to our success, but these alone would not have been sufficient without the well-educated workforce which was the foundation of our successful economy.
Speech and Summary by Fine Gael, Arts, Sports & Tourism Spokesperson, Olivia Mitchell TD
Speech and Summary by Fine Gael, Arts, Sports & Tourism Spokesperson, Olivia Mitchell TD
Varadkar calls for profit-sharing scheme as alternative to pay rises
Profitable companies should have the option of sharing profits with employees as an alternative to pay rises under any new pay deal, Fine Gael Enterprise Spokesman Leo Varadkar TD told a meeting of Young Fine Gael delegates at the Fine Gael Ard Fheis.
Oxygen of gangland crime to be cut off by FG Bill- Flanagan
Speech and Summary by Fine Gael Justice Spokesman, Charlie Flanagan TD
Speech by Denis Naughten TD, Fine Gael Spokesman on Immigration and Integration
Our economy is in a mess. It lacks leadership and lacks direction. The same can be said of our immigration system. It is now close to 15 months since the Government published its plan to revise our immigration laws, yet nothing has changed nor is it likely to change. Our immigration system, at present, is an obscure system with no clear rules or information on how it works or how an applicant gets into this country. The fact is that no one is in charge and the Minister for Justice, just does not seem to care. There are three pillars to an immigration system that works: efficiency, transparency & fairness. Sadly this government falls down on all three.
Summary of Speech by Fine Gael Environment Spokesman, Phil Hogan TD
Summary of Speech by Fine Gael Environment Spokesman, Phil Hogan TD
Speech by Fine Gael Deputy Leader & Finance Spokesman Richard Bruton TD at the 2009 Fine Gael Ard Fheis
‘Most people lost in the wilderness who perish die of shame’ - Anthony Hopkins in the movie ‘The Edge’. To plot his course and survive a grizzly bear attack required ingenuity and invention. This time of crisis in Ireland must also be a time for ingenuity and invention. In the past, out of crisis we created an economic model that was the envy of the world. It was destroyed by catastrophic failures on the part of politicians, developers, bankers, and regulators. Leaders on whom our people depended, let them down. This was not bad luck. This was a massive system failure. A system where power was not accountable was corrupted. A cosy circle found easy compromises. Self interest was dressed up as progress. A blind eye was turned. Warnings went unheeded. It was the best of all possible worlds while they all could feed in the easy trough of the property bubble.
Taxpayers must not be burdened with banks’ toxic property loans - Bruton
Summary of Speech by Fine Gael Deputy Leader & Finance Spokesman Richard Bruton TD at the 2009 Fine Gael Ard Fheis
Speech by Fine Gael Health Spokesperson, Dr James Reilly TD
Ard Fheis 2009
Speech by Senator Frances Fitzgerald, Fine Gael Seanad Leader & Spokesperson on Health and Children
Fine Gael Ard Fheis 2009
Speech by Paul Connaughton TD, Deputy Health Spokesperson with Special Responsibility for Older People at the 2009 Fine Gael Ard Fheis
The Minister for Finance in his October Budget Speech said he had a difficult task to perform but on the basis that everybody would be expected to "share the pain" taking into account their capacity to do so he believed his Budget was fair and balanced. In times of great hardship when an economy runs into rough seas most people will react positively to measures that are fair, reasonable, necessary, unavoidable and likely to lead to a better standard of living in the future for their own families.
Speech by Fine Gael Spokesman on Mental Health, Dan Neville TD at the 2009 Fine Gael Ard Fheis
The Government, despite repeated calls to do so, has failed to recognise the need to respond to the inevitable increase in psychiatric illness and suicide over the next few years because economic strain on families.
Creed Calls for ‘Witch-Hunt’ on Bureaucracy
Speech and Summary by Fine Gael Agriculture Spokesman, Michael Creed TD
Speech by Senator Joe O’Reilly, Fine Gael Candidate, Ireland North West
Speech by Senator Joe O’Reilly, Fine Gael Candidate, Ireland North West
Speech by Fine Gael Social & Family Affairs Spokeswoman Olwyn Enright TD at the 2009 Fine Gael Ard Fheis
I want to begin by mentioning a sector of our society who work for free, who save this State €2.5bn per year. They are our 161,000 carers, who work 24/7, 365 days a year. Just because they do this privately, quietly, and without proper recognition does not mean that they should be walked on or have their needs ignored.
Speech by Fine Gael Transport Spokesman Fergus O’Dowd TD at the 2009 Ard Fheis
In 2002 Ireland was the fifth most competitive country in the world. We were a successful nation: proud and confident, an international success story and the envy of the world, and a cost effective location for industry and exports.
FG proposes new transport programme to get people working – O’Dowd
A re-energised and slimmed down National Development Plan, front-loaded with labour-intensive projects, and a focus on essential infrastructure projects at local level have been proposed by Fine Gael Transport Spokesman Fergus O’Dowd TD at the 2009 Fine Gael Ard Fheis in Citywest.
Speech by Billy Timmins T.D. Fine Gael Spokesman on Foreign Affairs
Speech by Billy Timmins T.D. Fine Gael Spokesman on Foreign Affairs
Welcome Speech by Seanad Leader, Senator Frances Fitzgerald at the 2009 Fine Gael Ard Fheis
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you here this evening to the Fine Gael Ard Fheis. I am delighted that my constituency of Dublin Mid-West is hosting this great event where members of Fine Gael gather from all across the country as we outline our alternative proposals to Government incompetence and mismanagement.
Speech by Jimmy Deenihan, Fine Gael Spokesperson on Defence.
Speech by Jimmy Deenihan, Fine Gael Spokesperson on Defence.
Local politics needs to be more accountable with responsibility for more functions – Hogan
Speaking to a meeting of Fine Gael local election candidates at the first night of his Party’s Ard Fheis in Citywest this evening (Friday), Environment Spokesman Phil Hogan TD said that local politics needs to change with increased accountability and more responsibility given at local level.
Sen. Joe O’Reilly to run for Fine Gael in Euro Elections in Ireland North West – Kenny
The Fine Gael Leader, Enda Kenny T.D., today (Friday) announced that Cavan/Monaghan Senator Joe O’Reilly will be running for the Party in the European Elections for the Ireland North West constituency. He will join the ticket with sitting MEP for Fine Gael for the Ireland North West constituency Jim Higgins.
Exchequer figures show Govt is on a road that can only lead to ruin - Bruton
Reacting to the latest Exchequer figures, Fine Gael Deputy Leader & Finance Spokesman Richard Bruton TD warned that the Government is travelling on a road that can only lead to ruin.
Key Donegal employer sheds 50% of workforce in huge body blow – McGinley
Fine Gael Donegal South West TD Dinny McGinley has described the decision by one of the Donegal Gaeltacht’s most significant employers to shed 50% of its workforce, with the loss of 123 jobs, as a ‘huge body blow’.
Patients exposed to terrible conditions due to HSE & Mental Health Commission neglect - Neville
Fine Gael Mental Health Spokesman Dan Neville TD has expressed serious concern at new information about the Mental Health Commission Inquiry into St Luke’s Hospital, Clonmel and called on the HSE to explain why it did nothing despite being aware of problems 12 months ago.
Tánaiste admits lack of knowledge of Social Welfare cuts Bill - Enright
Tánaiste Mary Coughlan, the Minister for jobs and unemployment, was unaware of Government plans for a new Social Welfare Bill when questioned in the Dáil, according to Fine Gael Social & Family Affairs Spokeswoman Olwyn Enright TD.
Byrne welcomes launch of Substance Misuse Strategy
Fine Gael Spokeswoman on the National Drugs Strategy, Catherine Byrne TD, has welcomed the decision to combine alcohol and drugs in a new National Substance Misuse Strategy.
FG Proposes €340m in Job Protecting Tax Cuts + €3.5 Billion in Savings for Budget ’09 - Kenny
The Fine Gael Leader, Enda Kenny T.D. today set out his Party’s pre budget perspective and set out a four year plan to restore the public finances and, crucially, to support new job creation and job protection. In 2009 the Fine Gael plan includes €3.5 billion in savings, 1/3rd from new taxation measures and 2/3rds from spending controls.
As dole hits 11%, Varadkar calls on Govt to implement FG jobs plan
With the live register soaring to 372,800 and likely to reach half a million by the end of the year, Fine Gael Enterprise Spokesman Leo Varadkar TD has called on Brian Cowen to implement his Party’s jobs plan, ‘Rebuilding Ireland’ and adopt Fine Gael’s proposals to support business and retraining.
FAI cannot possibly justify freebie Italian trip for Bertie Ahern - FG
With finances stretched and fans shelling out a small fortune to attend games, the FAI cannot possibly justify giving a freebie trip to Bari in Italy to Bertie Ahern according to Fine Gael Arts, Sports & Tourism Spokesperson, Olivia Mitchell TD.
Muslim Lobby looking for the following volunteers
*Muslim Lobby looking for the following volunteers: (women and men are
invited, full training will be given)*
*1-Blog Managers.*
*2- Spokes person.*
*3- New...