Muslim Community Lobby has been in contact with the minister of foreign affairs office and we asked the minister to speak personally to the foreign minister of Israel to stop the attacks on Gaza Strip.
لقد اتصل لوبي الجالية الاسلامبة في ايرلندا بوزير الخارجية الايرلندي لتحفيزه على الاتصال بالحكومة الاسرائيلية لايقاف العدوان على غزة
. وبهذا نهيب بالاخوة والاخواة بان يعلنوا استنكارهم لما يجري في غزة
Demonstration Sunday 28/12/2008
Demonstration against the mass murder in Gazatommorrow, Sunday 1pm, the spire, O Connell Street
Dublin D1
Be there Plz
Condemnation إستنكار
The Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheal Martin has strongly condemned the devastating air strikes in Gaza.
Mr Martin urged Israel to immediately halt its attacks and allow humanitarian agencies access to the Hamas-controlled Palestinian territory.
“I condemn in the strongest terms Israel’s action in launching air strikes in Gaza against Hamas targets which have resulted in widespread civilian fatalities,” he said.
“These actions, far from ending the cycle of violence which has gripped both Gaza and southern Israel in recent weeks, are unfortunately only likely to escalate the situation and make the search for an effective ceasefire in Gaza even more difficult.”
Mr Martin also condemned the firing of rockets into Israeli territory.
“The people of southern Israel have as much entitlement to live in peace and security as do the population of Gaza,” he said.
“Ireland will support all international efforts to de-escalate the situation in Gaza and help re-establish an effective ceasefire.
“In this regard, I would like to acknowledge the considerable efforts which the government of Egypt has been making.”
Labour party spokesman on foreign affairs Michael D Higgins said the attacks were "contrary to all of the principles of international law" and said they should be condemned by all democratic countries.
"These attacks have resulted in a shocking loss of life among Palestinians and add to the misery and suffering created by the prolonged Israel blockade of Gaza," he said.
"The Labour Party has consistently condemned attacks on civilian targets in Israel, but it has to be acknowledged that Hamas is the democratically elected administration in Gaza."
He called on both sides to refrain from further violence.
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions also criticised the attacks, describing the Israeli action as "totally disproportionate".
"While Israel has a right and duty to protect its citizens, air strikes on the scale the world has witnessed today are totally disproportionate and can only result in massive civilian casualties. They give further cause for grievance to the Palestinian people and strengthen the hand of all those opposed to a peaceful settlement in the Middle East," Ictu said in a statement.