Salams All...
السلام عليكم
This is what we could do...
1). Write to Conor Lenihan saying something like Thanks but No Thanks... We should mention that there was no need for the hysteria about Hijab in the media since guidelines for the matter existed way back in 2005... The Muslim community was troubled over the whole affair (I personally know a few parents whose daughters go to school and they were really upset)... This was because there was a lot of uncertainity about the issue during this time as to what the Government would actually do... People were talking about what happened in France and Turkey etc.... The Government has a responsibility towards its minority citizens and had the government intervened properly in the matter none of this would have been a problem...
يقول الاخ قاسم: بان المسلمين في ايرلندا ما كانوا ليكونوا في الاخبار لو ان الحكومة رجعت الى قوانينها ولوائحها الصادرة في الفين وخمسة. ولما اصبح المسلمون في خوف مما ستعمله الحكومة استتب هذا الخوف الى ان خرج علينا كونر لنهان بقوله: ان الحجاب ليس قضية للنقاش . وان كان هذا في صالح المسلمين, الا ان الكثير من الاباء والامهات كادوا يؤثر فيهم الخوف من التضييق على فتياتهم.
2). The same platform should continue really... I am sure that all of you would agree that there are further issues about Islam and Muslims that could emerge in the future and since the Irish Muslim Population is pretty much apolitical there should be a platform to address local issues related with Muslims... A meeting is a good idea in that regard...
وانه لمن الطبيعي ان تظهر امور وقضايا اخرى نحن لم نعرفها بعد. ولهذا نطالب بعدم الخوض فيها في الاخبار والاعلام. الا بعد البث فيها مع ممثل سياسي اسلامي يفتح مشاكل المسلمين بدون اللوجوء الى الاعلام.
3) Finally there was a lack of consultation on the issue and that is very important... Had there been any consultation it would have been much better... and I am not talking about consulting unknown Imaams here...
ومن هنا نجد ان هناك فقر في الاستشارة مع الجالية الاسلامية ويجب ان لا نتكلم عن استشارة الائمة وانما مع الممثل السياسي للمسلمين
4) We could also write politely to the two parties Fine Gael and Labour and invite them to review their narrowminded views about the Hijab...
ويجب علينا ان نكتب الى احزاب المعارضة فينا قيل ولايبر بان يغيروا من سياستهم بالنسبة للحجاب.
مع السلامة
Muslim Lobby looking for the following volunteers
*Muslim Lobby looking for the following volunteers: (women and men are
invited, full training will be given)*
*1-Blog Managers.*
*2- Spokes person.*
*3- New...