Very angry reaction to Brian Lenihan and Fina Fail decision to recapitalise AIB and BI from the tax payer money.
ردة فعل غاضبة من قبل الشعب الايرلندي ضد قرار براين لنهان لقرض البنوك من اموال الشعب
The money will be lent to the Banks to be repayed with interest. Irish people are very angry to the fact that the banks brought on themselves by lending lots of money for people can pay back.
ان الاموال المقرضة سوف ترجع للحكومة بفائدة ولكهنم يشككون بنجاح هذه البنوك حتى ترجع الاموال
Also the people are very angry that the government cut services such education and health to minimum to pay for the banks.
The government reason that Education and Health won't pay back but the banks will pay back with interest.
وكذلك الشعب غاضب لكون الحكومة قطعت الاموال من الصحة والتعليم لتعطيها للبنوك
We will see furious reaction in the coming days and it might result in toppling the government ???????
سوف نرى رودو فعل غاضبة وقد تؤدي الى اسقاط الحكومة
Our advise is to hold a referendum.
نصيحتنا ان يكون استفتاء في هذا الامر
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