Chairman of the meeting conducted at the IFI Mosque 13/04/2008 He was the chairperson of the interim election committee. The Committee had conducted the meeting in a fair way. The atmosphere was truly democratic, in that most speakers and members had voiced their opinion and listened to, and discussed their case in a classical Islamic shora manner that gave an ideal and fair way of thinking and speaking for most of those present. The meeting gave us the feeling of a hot debate, which showed that Muslims do care about their place of worship, and they are shora orientated. Unlike other mosques which don't show their accounts or problems to their members.The Account for the year 2007 was discussed in full, and approved.Two motions have been discussed 1 Is to do with the new extension which was withdrawn due to lack of funds. Also, due to the fact that women activity will be stopped totally in order to carry the work and women have to be housed somewhere else. A woman spoke from the women section. The motion to be discussed by the new Shora committee. 2 The second motion is to do with handing the lease back to Um-maktoom. Although, this motion was passed, there is a technical problem created by one of the trustee demanding a written guarantee from Um-maktoom for him to sign. His valid reason was for him to sign there have to be a fair deal for the IFI community. A show of hands, indicated that the majority trust Um-maktoom to do the mosque up and increase its activity and they are in favour of handing the lease to Um-maktoom.Election of Shora Committee conducted in a fair manner and new Majlis Shora was elected.
After the meeting told me that 'he expects Um-maktoom will be able to transform the mosque into Muslim activity centre.
Members of IFI voted infavour of handing the lease back no one should stop this.
At the end I would like to say fair play to you Sheikh Yahya and to every member of the IFI who did their best to discuss in a civilised manner and didn’t violate the Islamic tradition that says: "never speak until the speaker finishes his speech" May Allah reward you all and
Fair play to every one
Report by Dr. Bashir