Dear Muslim Brothers and sisters
I am forwarding this information on as promised.
You may be aware of the vigil for unborn human life taking place on Saturday - tomorrow- in Merrion Square at 4.30pm.
legislation for abortion is very serious and has, in every country where abortion was legislated for in limited circumstances, opened the door to the killing of millions of babies world wide.
Muslims and Catholics, working together, have been very successful at the UN in holding back this terrible, murderous UN agenda for the world.
No country is as safe as Ireland for protecting mothers...hence the incomprehensibility of this awful potential action against almighty Gods' little babies.
Sadly, your representative from Clonskeagh went along with the call for legislation and we were very disappointed at this. The Catholic Church, alone, stood up against it.
God bless you,
I am forwarding this information on as promised.
You may be aware of the vigil for unborn human life taking place on Saturday - tomorrow- in Merrion Square at 4.30pm.
legislation for abortion is very serious and has, in every country where abortion was legislated for in limited circumstances, opened the door to the killing of millions of babies world wide.
Muslims and Catholics, working together, have been very successful at the UN in holding back this terrible, murderous UN agenda for the world.
No country is as safe as Ireland for protecting mothers...hence the incomprehensibility of this awful potential action against almighty Gods' little babies.
Sadly, your representative from Clonskeagh went along with the call for legislation and we were very disappointed at this. The Catholic Church, alone, stood up against it.
God bless you,
نداء عاجل الى الجالية المسلمة في إيرلندا
لقد أرسلت لنا الجمعية المسيحية لحقوق الأطفال في الحياة رسالة مناشدة للجالية المسلمة في إيرلندا للوقوف معها ضد سياسات الإجهاض، كما تتأسف الجمعية والكنائس الكاتوليكية على تواطئ إدارة المركز الإسلامي بكلونسكي المنادية للإجهاض وعلى تخليها عن المبادئ الإسلامية ووقوف هذه الأخيرة التى لا تمثل إلا نفسها وتنظيم العالمي للإخوان المسلمين مساندة لمشروع الإجهاض وتخدم مصالح التوجه الاخواني وسياساتهم في إختراق المسلمين . وبهذا الصدد نرفع شكوانا الى الله والى هيئة المكتوم الخيرية. وندعوا جميع المسلمين في إيرلندا أن يوقفوا هذا المشروع ويظهروا تمثيلهم الشرعي في رفضهم للإجهاض ويكونوا غدًا في الموعد Merrion Square at 4.30pm.للوقوف إحتجاجاً مع كل منادي بمنع قتل الأطفال الأبرياء.
للمزيد من المعلومات وفضح اسرار المركز كاتبوا السيدة Olivia