Muslim Community Lobby Ireland is an independent organization established 1st May 2007. Its motto is TO USE THE VOTE RIGHTLY AND TO RAISE THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY AWARNESS WITH THEIR RIGHTS AND TO PROMOTE TOLERANCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF OTHER EXISTING GROUPS. لترشيد استعمال الصوت الانتخابي ولتوعية وتعريف المسلمين بحقوقهم في ايرلندا وان يعيشوا بتفهم للواقع وللجماعات الاخرى الموجودة على الساحة

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Boycott Holland made goods Campaign مقاطعة البضائع الهولندية

السلام عليكم و رحمه الله
هذا أول موضوع اشارك به هنا معكم واتمنى ان اكون قدمت مشاركة ومساهمة فى اضافة معلومةهنا لكمفى هذه المرة ليس يا أخوانى كاريركاتير عن النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم و لكن فيلم عن القران والاستهتار بالقران الكريم لدرجة ان هناك لقطة فى الفيلم يقطع فيها ورقة من المصحف الشريف ويمزقهاوعلينا ان نتبع بعض الاستراتيجيات حتى نعبر عن غضبنا بشكل صحيح وابسط شئ ان نعبر به عن ألمنا الان تجاه هذا الفيلم الذى عرض فى هولندا.هذا ايميل السفاره الهولندي ممكن تدخل و تبعت ميل تعبر عن غضبك من الفيلم وممكن تكون الرساله المبعوته للسفاره تكون بأداب واخلاق ديننا الحنيف لكل
انسان مسلم
buza@postbus51.n1وارجوا منكم جميعا ان تشاركونا بأفكاركم الموضوعية هنا ودعونا نفكر سوياكيف نواجة هذا العدوان على ديننا بشكل صحيح يفهمة الجانب الاخر!وسوف انزل فى هذا الموضوع كل ما هو جديد من أفكار اجدها لكم حتى نتكاتف جميعا ونتوحد ضدد اعداء ديننا ونشعرهم ان امتنا حيه ولن تموت !!انشـــــــــــر ولك الآجــــــر بأذن الله
هذه هى المنتجات الهولنديه صراحة اسامى كبيره وكلنا بنستعملها كل يوم
ابسطها اوى لايز وشيتوس وهتلاقى حاجات كتير كمان

مقاطعه المنتجات الهولنديه من يوم 10/ابريل 2008 الى يوم 25 ابريل 2008
يعنى 15 يوم نقاطع فيهابحيث نقدر نوصل رسالتنا للتجارولهولندا اننا مستائين15 يوم بس يا جماعه نقاطع فيهاومش عايزين نعمل زى المقاطعه الدنماركيه والتجار يغيروا الغلافاو الناس تقول ما فيش بديلعايزين كلنا نقاطعانا مش عارفه المنتجات الهولنديه كلهااا ولكن جمعت الى اقدر عليهواعرف ايضا ان بعض انواع الجبنه الفلمانك من هولنداوان فى منتجات غذائيهواجهزه طبيه معظمها من هولنداوشركات الطيران الهولنديهوكل حاجه صناعه هولنديه لازم نقاطعهااو اى تعاملات مع شركات هولنديه لازم نقاطعهاانشروا تاريخ المقاطعه فى كل الاماكن اللى تعرفوهاخلينا نتحركخلينا ندافع عن الرسول الكريم خلينا نعمل اقل حاجه نقدر نعملهالازم نقف خلينا نقف فى صف بعضالمسلمين والعرب فى كل مكانهنا وفى دول الخليج وفى الدول الاوروبيه وفى كل مكان فى العالموكمان الغير مسلمينلان الاساءة للاسلام فيها اساءة لباقى الاديانلان الدين الاسلامى كرم كل الاديانخلينا نتحدخلينا نتحركخلينا ندافع عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
انشــــــــــــــــــرها ولك الاجر ملحــوظــــة ::اذا وجدت جديد من المنتجاااات سوف انزلها هناومن يجد لنا منتجااااااات اخرى يضعها لنا هناااااارجوا منكم العون والمساعدة فى البحث والتأكد من المنتجاااات


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Upcoming events in Cork (womens conference) and Dublin(ICCI womens conference)!

مؤتمر نسوي في كورك وفي مسجد كلونسكي بدبلن
تعلن الجمعية النسوية الاسلامية على اقامتها مؤتمر
والدعوة عامة
1.Muslim Cultural Society General meeting (For MCS members)
2.Woman's motivational Course
3.Woman's Dialogue: Muslim Woman In Cork; Who are we?
4.ICCI annual womens conference

1) Muslim Cultural Society General meeting
Date: 24th April 2008
Time: 6.00p.m-8.00p.m
Place: G10, Brookfield Health Science Complex

Are you suffering from low self esteem? Tiredness getting you down? EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique may be your answer.
Date: 26th April 2008
Place: Cork Mosque
Module 1:10.00a.m-1.00p.m
Module 2:2.00p.m-6.00p.m
Entry Fee: €3 for one Module or €5 for all day
Open to all women
Organized by: Cork Muslim Woman's Group
For More Information Please contact:
Telephone: 086-3795081

3) Woman's Dialogue: Muslim Woman In Cork; Who are we?(OPEN TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN ) (POSTERS ATTACHED)
Date: 27th April 2008
Time: 7.00p.m
Place: Parnell Room, Victoria Hotel, Patrick's Street, Cork City
Presented By: Cork Muslim Women's Group
In association with: LadyFest Cork
For More Information Please contact:
Telephone: 086-3795081

Friday, April 18, 2008

Bertie Ahern, T.D.Taoiseach. reply letter to MCLI

Bertie Ahern, T.D.Taoiseach. reply letter to Muslim Community Lobby Ireland

رسالة شكر وامتنان تصل لوبي الجالية الاسلامية من رئيس الوزراء الذي سيستقيل في مايو 2008ردا على رسالتنا المودعة له

Dear Friends,

I want to thank you for your very kind message of support.I have been privileged to serve my community, my party and our country for many years in public life. In that period, I hope that I have made a contribution to an unrivalled era of peace, prosperity and progress on this island.My motivation for entering politics 31 years ago was to represent the people of my constituency. In 1994, I was elected Leader of my party and three years later, I was humbled to have been entrusted with the great responsibility of leading our nation. For over a decade now, my greatest desire was to repay the trust invested in me by working hard to secure the peace and the prosperity we now enjoy.As I said recently, I believe that Irish people are innately decent and I have been privileged to have served them and to enjoy tremendous support.Over the past few days, I have received so many messages of goodwill such as yours. I truly appreciate your kindness and I have taken great encouragement and solace from it.
With my very best wishes.

Bertie Ahern,

permanent tsb Ethnic Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Photos of Winners

مشروع تكريم الحائزين على جائزة الت اس بي بنك وهي لوحة بلاستيكية تقدر نمائهم التجاري وليس جائزة مالية

وكان هنال حضور من الحكومة متمثل في كونر لناهنان وحضور المنظمات الغير حكومية والبنوك وتعتبير هذه حركة ذكية لتحتوي الغير اييرلنديين وتحفيزهم على ان يبدأوا شركات والسعي لانجاحها.

والشخص الذي بدأ هذه الفكرة هو شنادو من نيجيريا وهو مهاجر . وقد استحسنها بنك التي اس بي ويهذا اقيم

هذا الاحتفال بحضور وزير الاقليات

Asheesh Dewan- Overall winner of permanent tsb Ethnic Entrepreneur of the Year Awarding 2008 and Category winner Service Ethnic Entrepreneur of the year

Maria Angola-Category winner, Best Business Idea of the Year :

Maria Anglola established life line nursing agency ltd in order to provide nursing Care for hospitality and nursing homes.

Connor Lenihan TD
Junior Minister

Marco Giannantonio &Maurizio Mastrangelo
Both have started Italian School of Cooking Dublin

Were given a trophy for starting the school.
Report Bashir

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Islamic Foundation Ireland AGM Elections

Dr Fathi Akari
Chairman of the meeting conducted at the IFI Mosque 13/04/2008 He was the chairperson of the interim election committee. The Committee had conducted the meeting in a fair way. The atmosphere was truly democratic, in that most speakers and members had voiced their opinion and listened to, and discussed their case in a classical Islamic shora manner that gave an ideal and fair way of thinking and speaking for most of those present. The meeting gave us the feeling of a hot debate, which showed that Muslims do care about their place of worship, and they are shora orientated. Unlike other mosques which don't show their accounts or problems to their members.The Account for the year 2007 was discussed in full, and approved.Two motions have been discussed 1 Is to do with the new extension which was withdrawn due to lack of funds. Also, due to the fact that women activity will be stopped totally in order to carry the work and women have to be housed somewhere else. A woman spoke from the women section. The motion to be discussed by the new Shora committee. 2 The second motion is to do with handing the lease back to Um-maktoom. Although, this motion was passed, there is a technical problem created by one of the trustee demanding a written guarantee from Um-maktoom for him to sign. His valid reason was for him to sign there have to be a fair deal for the IFI community. A show of hands, indicated that the majority trust Um-maktoom to do the mosque up and increase its activity and they are in favour of handing the lease to Um-maktoom.Election of Shora Committee conducted in a fair manner and new Majlis Shora was elected.

Answering questions on 2005/6/7 accounts and new extension. Also mentioned that Um-maktoom won't accept a conditional handing back of the lease.

Conditions of the mosque has to improve never mind the differences

Accounts for year 2005 and 2006 had to be discussed in full

Answering questions about accounts of 2005/6 Hajj trip

Talking about extension and necessity to postpone the start date

A word of thanks to all 2007 Shora members and their good work. Also mentioned Brother Kamal who is still in detention in Saudi Arabia.

Dr Nafa Badr Trustee, opposing handing the lease to Um- maktoom without striknig a good deal for the IFI community. He thinks legally the lease won't be handed over unless he signs which is true.
Talked about the necessity of handing the lease back without conditions.

After the meeting told me that 'he expects Um-maktoom will be able to transform the mosque into Muslim activity centre.

Members of IFI voted infavour of handing the lease back no one should stop this.

In favour of handing the lease back and let the Muslim community benefit from the management of Um-maktoom.

At the end I would like to say fair play to you Sheikh Yahya and to every member of the IFI who did their best to discuss in a civilised manner and didn’t violate the Islamic tradition that says: "never speak until the speaker finishes his speech" May Allah reward you all and

Fair play to every one

Report by Dr. Bashir