Muslim Community Lobby Ireland is an independent organization established 1st May 2007. Its motto is TO USE THE VOTE RIGHTLY AND TO RAISE THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY AWARNESS WITH THEIR RIGHTS AND TO PROMOTE TOLERANCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF OTHER EXISTING GROUPS. لترشيد استعمال الصوت الانتخابي ولتوعية وتعريف المسلمين بحقوقهم في ايرلندا وان يعيشوا بتفهم للواقع وللجماعات الاخرى الموجودة على الساحة
Friday, October 30, 2009
Salam to the best of nations
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Kidnapped Aid workers released

Kidnapped aid workers released in Darfur
Two women who had been held hostage for three months by kidnappers in Darfur were released Sunday morning in good health, according to BBC News.
Sharon Commins, an Irish woman, and Hilda Kawuki, a Ugandan, had both been working with the Irish charity Goal when they were taken by armed kidnappers.
The kidnappers apparently made a $2 million ransom demand earlier in the year, but Sudan’s Minister for Humanitarian Affairs said that “no ransom was paid.” Instead, it was pressure put on the captors by local tribal leaders that led to the women’s release.
Despite the risk, humanitarian organizations working in the Darfur region do so without any government or security intervention. This was the third abduction of aid workers since the International Criminal Court served the country’s president an arrest warrant in March.
Suicide bombing in Iran targets military leaders
According to Iranian state television, 29 people were killed and 28 wounded in a blast in the country’s southeast region last Sunday. Among the dead were at least five commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, an Ayatollah-faithful branch of Iran’s military.
“Very soon we will catch the perpetrators of this terrorist action and punish them,” read a statement by Iran’s interior ministry posted on their Web site shortly after the attack.
A group called Jundallah took responsibility for the attack, the state-owned news reported. Jundallah is a group comprised of Baluchis, an ethnic minority that stretches into Pakistan.
The strike – the action of two suicide bombers – hit when the leaders of the Revolutionary Guard were meeting tribal leaders in the Sistan-Baluchistan region. Tribal leaders, as well as some innocent bystanders, were also killed in the attack.
According to analysts, the attack was meant to harm Iran’s image and spread rumors of instability.
Leader of Zimbabwe’s opposition party boycotts cabinet
After eight months of wary cooperation between Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and President Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe’s transitional government, Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change party has vowed to boycott all cabinet meetings, according to BBC News.
The radical move was in response to a laundry list of grievances Tsvangirai aired at a news conference on Friday, but chief among them was the imprisonment of his deputy agricultural minister Roy Bennett on terrorism charges.
Tsvangirai has called Mugabe and his political party, the Zimbabwe African National Union, “unreliable” partners.
“Until confidence has been restored, we can’t continue to pretend that everything is well,” Tsvangirai said.
Bennett was recently re-jailed after spending seven months on bail, which catalyzed Tsvangirai to essentially pull out of the government. Bennett was charged with terrorism, insurgency, sabotage and banditry, and he stands to serve a life sentence if he is convicted.
Reach columnist Morgan Gard at
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Free Europe
See the often neglected observation at is a private, positive initiative. It is a contribution to a widening public agenda in Europe. It is independent from parties and organizations. It is the first possibility for all Europeans and their friends worldwide to have a common say about the future path of European affairs. Astonishing, fascinating, and promising.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Radio Muzzin Play in Dublin in Arabic مسرحية مؤذن الراديو تلعب في دبلن باللغة العربية

مسرحية مؤذن الراديو, تلعب في دبلن باللغة العربية, مع ترجمة كتابية. وكل الحاضرون كانوا من الايرلنديين ماعدا انا. وقد حرصت على التحدث للممثليين الذين يصرون على ان المسرحية انما هي مسرحية وثائقية وليست مسرحية عادية. وقد ابدع المخرج والذين قاموا على هذه المسرحية بطريقة ممتازة ومستساغة لغير الناطقين باللغة العربية. وقد اعجبت بهذا الاخراج الجميل الذي لم يخرم من العادات الاسلامية والقرآنية وطريقة اداء الاذان اي شئ . انه شئ جميل يؤدى باللغة العربية على شعب لا يسمع كلمة الله اكبر الا عندما يراها في التلفزيون لقتل الاعداء او قتل اسير اوووووووووووو.. واني اذ اشكر الذين قاموا على هذه التمثيلية اقول باننا في حاجة الى اعطاء نموذجا مثل هذا في الغرب كي نطفي نار الحقد الدفين .
A freed slave became the first muezzin because he had a honey-sweet voice. Later muezzins used to climb the minaret to make the call to prayer, the Adhan. Now their voices resonate via loudspeakers - while they stand in the mosque with a microphone in their hand.In Cairo most muezzins are government employees who often sleep in the mosques and rarely visit their families living in remote villages. Besides being responsible for the call to prayer, they are also often caretakers of the place of worship, they clean the mosque and close the doors in the evening. Their calls mingle above Cairo, the city of a thousand mosques (there are actually about 30,000), forming a multifaceted soundscape. This is however about to change: The Minister of Religious Foundations wants to introduce a centralized muezzin next year. The government will broadcast a single muezzins voice live on a radio channel simultaneously to all government mosques. This will abolish the cacophony, but also the diversity of prayer cultures. Will thousands of Egyptian muezzins fall silent?“Radio Muezzin” focuses on four muezzins: a blind Qu'ran teacher who travels to the mosque in a minibus for two hours every day; a farmers' son and former tank driver from Upper Egypt, who vacuums the carpet in his mosque; an electrician, who began to learn the Qu'ran by heart after a serious accident, and a bodybuilder and runner-up world champion in Qu'ran recitation.“Radio Muezzin” has them meet an engineer who learned to encode radio signals at the Aswan dam. In a mosque made of carpets and fans, they become the protagonists reconstructing their own lives. Between their words and the video images of their daily lives emerge new voices that describe the transformation of the call to prayer in the age of its technical reproduction. After a preview in Cairo last december, "Radio Muezzin" premieres in Berlin.
A production by HAU Berlin and Goethe-Institute Egypt.In Co-production with Athens Festival, Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy, Festival d’Avignon, steirischer herbst festival (Graz) and Zürcher Theater Spektakel.
Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation, Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council and the Department of the Mayor of Berlin - Senate Chancellery - Cultural Affairs. In cooperation with El Sawy Culture wheel, Cairo.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The second referendum in Ireland on Friday gave a strong result - 2 of 3

What will happen next?
First: The German Constitutional Court added a few weeks ago some remarkable limits to how much the Lisbon Treaty should be allowed to infringe on the Constitution of the German Federal Republic.
If the Constitutional Guardians in this central land in Europe made these exceptional reservations - why should not the different national parliaments ask for the same constitutional rights in their respective states? Or is it only Germany who has the privilege to interpret the Lisbon Treaty as a Lessbind Treaty?
Second: The Czech Republic is undertaking a new reading of the potential constitutional conflicts between its own national constitution and the Lisbon Treaty. This will take some time.
Third: Seldom in history has a new constitution, who has been presented as a gift to its people, had so many democratic proponents eager not to let the people vote directly welcoming the gift.
We Europeans deserve something better.
This referendline, will continue for some time, still. Any idea of its future long time activity will be appreciated.
This News Letter has more than 1500 subscribers. is a private, positive initiative. It is a contribution to a widening public agenda in Europe. It is independent from parties and organizations. It is the first possibility for all Europeans and their friends worldwide to have a common say about the future path of European affairs. Astonishing, fascinating, and promising.
Micheál Martin, TD Thanking voters

Micheál Martin, TD Minister for Foreign AffairsCampaign Director - Fianna Fáil
Perhapse whith the downfall of the economy the public thought joining the treaty is the only way through.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Still lobbying for no vot on Oconnell st saying rigged vote risk
في يوم التصويت لا زال بعض الناس يحاولون ان يحثوا الناس بان يصوتوا ب لآ في حين ان مايكل مارتن يبعث الايميلات يحث الناس بان يصوتوا ب نعم

I just placed my "Yes" vote in favour of the Lisbon Treaty at St Anthony's School in Ballinlough, Co. Cork - my local polling station.
Every vote is important today. Yours alone could be the difference between "Yes" for Ireland and a disastrous "No" that will set us back.
Polls close at 10:00pm tonight, so there is still time to vote - and please make sure you do. Voting is quick and easy, and nothing is more important. Let's all work together so there's a strong endorsement of the Treaty.
After you've voted, send a note to your friends and neighbours reminding them to cast their "Yes" vote today:
Thanks for all you've done so far. This is our last day to make a difference, so please make sure to vote.
Micheál Martin, TD