Muslim Community Lobby Ireland is an independent organization established 1st May 2007. Its motto is TO USE THE VOTE RIGHTLY AND TO RAISE THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY AWARNESS WITH THEIR RIGHTS AND TO PROMOTE TOLERANCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF OTHER EXISTING GROUPS. لترشيد استعمال الصوت الانتخابي ولتوعية وتعريف المسلمين بحقوقهم في ايرلندا وان يعيشوا بتفهم للواقع وللجماعات الاخرى الموجودة على الساحة

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Eid Mubarak from The Muslim Lobby of Ireland

May the Eid bring you prosperity
May the Mercy of ALlah Showers you
May the peace and blessings be with you
May the Angels of Allah protect you

Have a nice Eid for you and your family
The Muslim Lobby of Ireland

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Picket At Israeli Embassy to support the Raytheon 9

Picket At Israeli Embassy to support the Raytheon 9 22nd Nov 07 12.30 - 14.00.The Raytheon 9 have gone on trial for a non-violent occupation of the Raytheon office on 9th August 2006. This occupation was carried out in the context of the Israeli attack on Lebanon there is evidenced that Raytheon Guided Bomb Units were used in this attack on Lebanon.The picket will take place on
Thursday 22nd November 2007
at the Israeli embassy
between 12:30 - 14:00.
The address of the Embassy is
Pembroke Rd. Dublin 4
The following busses go to the Israeli embassy 18 4 63 8 84

Background Information
On 2nd July, Joshua Casteel of Iraqi Veterans Against War and Hani Lazimof Iraqi Democrats against the Occupation spoke at a packed meeting ofthe Derry Anti War Coalition. In the course of the meeting, over 70people agreed that DAWC needed to think of new ways of exposing Derry's role in the arms trade. Raytheon is one of the largestarms manufacturers in the world and, despite all the local partiesbacking Raytheon's presence in the town, there is real anger at thepossibility that Derry contributed in the smallest way to massacresin Lebanon and Gaza.Following a further packed meeting on Monday 7th August, it wasagreed to take action against the presence of Raytheon, and theircomplicity in the murderous Israeli bombardment of Lebanon and theon-going wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is some evidence, forinstance, that a Raytheon Guided Bomb Unit was used in the atrocityin Qana.Over 20 Derry Anti War Coalition members arrived at Raytheon’soffices on Wednesday 9 August 2006. When the opportunity to pushour way into the offices arose, most of us tried to get in.The nine who are now known as the Raytheon 9 are those who succeeded.The Raytheon 9 occupied and decommissioned the Derry Raytheonoffice in our name. They were there on our behalf and we take fullresponsibility for their actions. The Derry Anti-War Coalitionbelieves that it was legally and morally justified to engage innon-violent direct action to highlight Raytheon’s role as warprofiteers and to call for the closure of its offices in Derry.Derry Anti War Coalition is affiliated to the Irish Anti-WarMovement and the Stop the War Coalition in Britain, and seesthis action as an extension of the mass protests against warwhich we have helped organise, and have participated in,over recent years.Web:
Topic sent Anti war movement

Monday, October 29, 2007

Ancient Qur'an sells for more than US$2.3 million

Ancient Qur'an sells for more than US$2.3 million
Updated Wed. Oct. 24 2007 8:12 AM ET
The Associated Press
LONDON -- A Qur'an written in 1203, believed to be the oldest known complete copy, has sold for more than $2.3 million at an auction.
The holy book, which had been estimated to sell for up to US$715,000, fetched US$2,327,300 at Tuesday's auction in London , Christie's said.
That was a record auction price for a Qur'an or any type of Islamic manuscript, the auctioneer Christie's said.
A nearly complete, 10th-century Kufic Qur'an, thought to be from North Africa or the near East, sold for US$1,870,000.
Both were offered for sale by the Hispanic Society of America, and were purchased by trade buyers in London , Christie's said.
The record-setting Qur'an was signed by Yahya bin Muhammad ibn 'Umar, dated 17 Ramadan 599 (June 1203).
It was acquired in Cairo in 1905 by Archer Milton Huntington, who founded the Hispanic Society in New York City in 1904. Huntington, the adopted son of railroad and ship-building magnate Collis P. Huntington, died in 1955.
The calligraphy in the manuscript was done in gold outlined in thin black lines, and the marginal notes are in silver outlined in red.
The kufic Qur'an bridges a gap between the earlier style, copied on parchment of horizontal format, and the later style of vertical composition, often on paper, Christie's catalog said.
The kufic script takes its name from Kufah in Iraq , an early center of Islamic scholarship, according to the British Library.
Because the script's vertical strokes were very short but the horizontal strokes elongated, it was written on papers in a landscape format.

Karen Banuga
Administrative Officer
ACC Adult Collegiate

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Eid Mubarak

The Muslim Lobby
Congratulates the Muslim Community in Ireland and the whole world for the coming of the Eid

Eid Mubarak

May the Eid bring you prosperity and many good returns

كل عام وانتم بخير وصحة جيدة

Eid Starts 13 Oct 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

lecture on Wednesday 26th September, 2007 /at 8.15pm

lecture on Wednesday, 26th September, 2007 /at 8.15pm /
by Prof. Christian Troll S.J.Germany on:
The New Presence of Islam in Europe: Challenge and Opportunity for Dialoguethe lecture is in Milltown institute in the college theatre...please make announcement in your website

Musrata Musrati

Introduction to The Cork Muslim Women's Group

As a group we have many aims among them is to create a proper community for the sisters in Cork. The group is something the sisters can turn to in times of hardship as well as in times of joy. We are a support group for sisters. We are active in our local community as well as in the community of Cork endevouring to change the image of what a Muslim women is. Through our actions we try to change peoples impression of Islam and who muslims are, as well as creating an image for the Irish Muslim and getting the Irish Muslim recognised
We organise many events and activities including days out for the sisters, like trips to Blarney Castle or Fota Wildlife Park. We also organise events open to the wider public - our most recent of these was an Interfaith Dialogue which took place last April between Sheik Abdur Raheem Green and Fr Sean O'Sullivan.

[ Quran 49:13 ]

O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (one who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things).

We invite you to browse through the site.
If you have any question or comments please forward them on to us here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Muslim Lobby congtratulates the muslims

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
"O who believe, fasting is decreed for you as it was decreed for those before you; perchance you will guard yourselves. (2:183)


The Muslim Lobby congtratulates the muslim community in Ireland and in the whole world for the coming of the month of Radmadan May Allah give us the strength to fast and worship Him in the right way with sincerity and devotion.
First day of Ramadan 1428h will be Thursday (13 Sep 2007)

Etiquette of breaking the fast

By Dr. Gibril Haddad

The fast is broken at sunset, and it is termed in Arabic iftar. It is a time of happiness and refreshment after experiencing the pangs of hunger and thirst. It is usually broken with dates and in many cultures a light soup with bread or small side dishes. Breaking the fast is followed immediately by the evening obligatory prayer. In many parts of the world, including the US, breaking fast is observed in congregation in mosques and homes.
The Prophetic etiquette of breaking fast: three rutabs (moist dates), or else tamr (dry dates), or else water, mentioning Allah, using the right hand, stating the du`a that fasting was for Allah and breakfast with his rizq (provision), and asking Allah aid in fasting, night-prayer, lowering the eyes, and guarding the tongue in Ramadan. The invocation (du`a) upon breaking fast is answered.
The following two du`as should be recited after breaking the fast:
اَللّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَعَلى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ
Allahumma laka sumtu wa `alaa rizqika aftartu
O Allah! For You have I fasted and upon Your sustenance have I broken my fast. [Abu Dawud]
ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَثَبَتَ الأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ
Dhahab az zamaa’u wab tallatil urooqu wa thabat al-ajru Insha-Allah
The thirst has vanished, the veins have been wetted and the reward is established - Insha-Allah. [Abu Dawud]
The Prophet (s) said: "Whosoever fasts experiences two joys. He is joyful when he breaks his fast, and is joyful because of his fasting when he meets his Lord." [Sahih Muslim]
"When evening approaches from this side (east) and the day retreats from this side (west) and the sun has set, the one who is fasting breaks his fast." [Bukhari and Muslim]
"Break your fast with a date, or with water because it is pure."[Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]
The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, said: "My nation will remain in goodness as long as they break the fast as soon as it is due." [Muslim]
It is offensive and unhealthy to stuff the stomach with food after fasting. The Prophet (s) said: “Enough for a human being to have luqaymat (=from 3 to 9 mouthfuls) that prop up his spine and, if he must have more [in his stomach], then one third of food, one third of water, and one third of air.”
Out of respect for the mosques and those who attend them among people, jinn, and angels foods that cause bad breath (such as garlic and onions), belching and gas should not be consumed.
Al-Hamdulillah, praise and peace be upon His Prophet Muhammad and on his Family, Companions and his Followers, inwardly and outwardly.

تهنئة بحلول رمضان Ramadan Mubarak by Musrata Musrati

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
يحل علينا يوم غد الخميس شهر مبارك شهر رمضان المعظم وبهذه المناسبة نتقدم اليكم جميعا بالتهاني سائلين المولي عز وجل ان يعيننا علي ذكره وشكره وحسن عبادته ويجعلنا من عتقائه من النار برحمته وكرمه وكل عام والجميع بخيرThis is greeting to every one, it is Allah's mercy and generosity that we reached the holly month of Ramadan so let us thank Allah by performing proper fasting and let's observe Allah's and his prophet's (pbuh) instructions and make this month exceptional as it should be; let us fill the Mosques, read Quran, be generous and give donations, look after each other,perform our duties and be as active as usual and let us remember that this month is not a month of sleeping and laziness on the contrary it is a month of work if not hard work, brothers remember to show the real (bright) image of Islam as there are people around you who know nothing about this great religion except what they see from Muslims around them, Finally Ramadan Mubarak to every one and may Allah accept our deeds.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Mosques of the West by Altaf Husain

The Mosques of the West Adopting a Customer Service Outlook
By Altaf Husain
Aug. 23, 2007

The Muslims of the West have, on the most part, been relying on a very traditional model of operating mosques, with a few exceptions.
First, in the West, no government bears the administrative and maintenance costs of the mosque, putting the onus on the members of that mosque's community to donate money to ensure its operation.
Second, most mosques offer what can be termed as Prayer plus programs — that is, the mosque is open for at least the five daily Prayers, and there might be some semblance of an education program either in the form of a lecture on Sundays or a part-time, weekend Islamic school for children or both.
Third, most mosques have an imam and an elected board of directors who manage the affairs of the mosque either themselves or through a paid part-time or full-time staff member.
Regrettably, other than slight variations to these three exceptions, the overall outlook tends to be traditional, an almost unilateral relationship an individual believer has with the mosque — you go to the mosque to worship and that's it, no other interaction with the leadership of the mosque and no involvement in the affairs of the mosque. As the number of Muslims of the West who practice Islam regularly increases, and the demographic and socioeconomic profile of the mosque-goers become increasingly sophisticated, it is high time that the mosque leadership in the West adopt a customer service outlook to handling mosque affairs and to providing critical, high-quality services and resources in a timely manner.
An Example
Before discussing further what is meant by a customer service outlook, it is helpful to look at an example of a typical mosque-goer's experience. A young woman, practicing law, and a regular donor to the mosque, wished to go to the mosque for Friday Prayers. When she went for this purpose, she only found that there was no one managing the parking lot of the mosque and people (mostly men) had parked in such a way as to block other cars and so close to other cars that it was almost impossible to enter and exit from the car. After some 15 minutes of searching, she found a parking space and rushed inside the mosque only to find that the small space allocated for women was already filled to capacity with women and young children. The hall reserved for men was hardly full and there was a lot of space at the back of the hall and no men were seated there. Deliberating for about five minutes on where to sit and whether to go to the men's hall, she finally convinced a few other women to join her as she made herself comfortable at the back of the hall.
The Friday sermon began and the sound system produced poor-quality sound, and therefore the attendees, in this case, mostly women, were barely able to understand what the imam was saying. The sound faded in and out and when it was most audible, she was able to make out a little of what the imam was saying, and it depressed her because it was essentially rebuking women who choose to work for a living and "abandon the home." He continued on and on and spoke for at least 30 minutes without pause, and then he paused and resumed and showed no sign of concluding. The lawyer became anxious, started looking at her watch, and realized that she was well over an hour into her 90-minute lunch break, and she still had to pray and go back to her car, spend time waiting to exit the jungle-like parking lot, and then drive back to her law firm.
The imam concluded his 60-minute-long sermon and then chose to recite lengthy sections of the Qur'an during the Prayer. By then, she was restless because of the time, depressed because of the theme of the sermon, frustrated because the imam was reciting lengthy sections of the Qur'an, and most of all, angry because all of this could have been avoided if only the mosque adopted a "customer service outlook."
A Customer Service Outlook?
Using the example presented above, we shall attempt to define what a customer service outlook is in the mosque context and offer some thoughts about how to instill and develop such an outlook. By corporate standards, the most repeated motto is "the customer is always right." Although we are by no means suggesting that in the mosque context the "customer is always right," it is important to at least acknowledge that in fact a typical mosque-goer is a "customer" and the mosque administration is responsible for meeting the needs of this customer. Whether the "customer" donates to the mosque or not, does not diminish his or her status as a believer who wishes to respond to the call of Allah (Glory be to Him) and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him).
Therefore, the customer service outlook is defined as a mode of thinking, managing, and evaluating the functioning at all levels of the mosque so that the mosque-goer is at the minimum satisfied with the level, variety, and quality of the services being offered at the mosque. The emphasis of such an outlook is constantly on serving, facilitating, and assisting the believers. This outlook translates into very tangible actions on the part of the mosque leadership and administration, referred to here onwards as "the mosque."
First, the mosque must value time. While almost all mosques by now have calendars that they use to establish the exact time of the Adhan (the call to Prayer) and the Iqamah (second call to Prayer), on the most part, the mosque seems not to value time. Men and women come to the mosque every Friday dutifully responding to the call from Allah, as He commands in the Qur'an, (O you who believe, when the call is proclaimed to Prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business; that is best for you if you but know!) (Al-Jumu`ah 62:9).
People make sincere attempts to adjust their work schedules on Fridays to be able to come and to join the Friday Prayers most often during their lunch breaks. The young lawyer in our example above was at her wit's end by the time she parked her car, found a place to sit, sat through an overly long sermon, performed a Prayer with no end in sight, and then waited for an excruciatingly long time to exit the parking lot, before she could head right back to her law firm without even a chance to have a quick bite to eat on her "lunch" break.
It is unimaginable to think that much of her 90-minute lunch break was spent dealing with situations that should have been addressed by the mosque and not left for her to have to deal with or to resolve. How important could the message of any sermon be that the imam would risk trying to speak to a congregation that long; a congregation that indeed stopped listening to him and is actually not staring at him in a show of undivided attention but rather in collective resentment? If Prophet Muhammad himself shortened his congregational Prayer at the sound of a crying child or realizing that there were elderly people in the congregation, by what right does any imam choose to prolong the Prayer after having already put the congregation in a resentful mood by speaking during the sermon for too long?
If the mosque sponsors a lecture, why should the believers who did not attend the lecture be penalized if the lecture starts late and ends late, therefore delaying the time of the Prayer? We remind one another, of course, of the hadith reported to the effect that Allah's Messenger said, "The best 'of' the deeds or deed is the (observance of) Prayer at its proper time and then kindness to the parents" (Muslim). If the Imam arrives late, why is it not acceptable for him to adjust his message and shorten it so that he ends on time with the sermon and the Prayer?
It is the right of every believer to expect that the mosque will facilitate Prayer, lectures, and sermons in such a way as to not infringe unfairly on his or her time.
Second, the mosque must value quality. The desire for high quality should be something internal to every Muslim effort, and the management of the mosque affairs should be no exception. Every affair of the mosque must be handled to ensure results of the highest quality, from seeking the most knowledgeable and able leadership and administrative staff to developing programs that are relevant and responsive to the needs of the congregation.
In order to ensure quality, there must not only be performance standards, but also a mechanism to evaluate the performance. The biography of Prophet Muhammad is replete with examples of the emphasis he placed on quality, evaluation, and improvement not only at the individual level, but also with regard to family and community affairs. It is that emphasis on quality that inspired the now well-documented advances in administration and accountability during the caliphate of `Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him).
Returning briefly to the example mentioned above, there is no reason that the mosque parking situation should become a burden on members of the congregation, because the mosque leadership and staff should develop creative solutions to ensure that, without exception, every one who attempts to come to the mosque has a chance to do so. Whether this means having paid staff or volunteers to manage the parking lot entrance and exit, or if it means renting out neighboring parking lots from businesses or other churches to accommodate overflow parking from the mosque, ultimately, the mosque bears responsibility to address the issue and to do so perfectly.
In addition, the actual messages being delivered during the Friday sermons and during other lectures should be of high quality, delivered by people who are knowledgeable on the particular topic at hand, are articulate, and speak in a style and manner that is easily understood by the congregation. The topics that are chosen to be presented or discussed must also resonate with the congregation and not, as in the example above, end up infuriating or depressing members of the congregation, because of either the style, tone, or content of the sermon or lecture. No member of the congregation should feel yelled at, admonished harshly, or made to feel inferior, incompetent, or ignorant.
It should not be a stretch of the imagination to institutionalize evaluation forms so that every aspect of the mosque operation is evaluated by the congregation. There should be evaluation forms for every sermon, for every lecture, for the maintenance and upkeep of the mosque, and so on. The leadership and staff should review the evaluation forms monthly and develop strategies to address any systemic issues and make any necessary adjustments or changes in the mosque operations as needed.
Final Thoughts
Every believer has the right to worship in peace and tranquility at the mosque. No believer should feel worse off or be put off after having come to the mosque. The mosque experience should be spiritually uplifting, motivational, inspirational, and most of all satisfying. Regrettably, the status quo and the traditional outlook of the mosque will remain until and unless the leadership and staff of the mosque adopt the customer service outlook. Such an outlook will ensure that those who come into the mosque feel welcome and are able to meet their spiritual needs whether that means praying the five daily Prayers at the mosque, coming to the mosque for the Friday Prayers, coming to the mosque for lectures, for Tarawih Prayers, for dhikr, for reading the Qur'an, and so on.
Sadly, as in the example above, more often than not, the believer is unable to enter the mosque because of a lack of organized and sufficient parking, unable to enjoy the experience due to a poor sound system, overcrowding, an overzealous, and sometimes offensive imam, and then unable to leave in a timely manner because of overcrowding the unsystematic parking. The cleanliness of the mosque, the environment in general, should be conducive and inviting. In addition, as noted above, the mosque must value time and quality. It is the house of Allah, and this house should receive the best care, from the best people, and every guest who visits this house should long for it, feel attached to it, and should never want to leave it. Is it not time the mosque adopt a customer service outlook?

Topic forwarded by Musrata Musrati

Monday, August 27, 2007

الإسلام والمواطنة بقلم : د: عبد العالي حارث

الإسلام والمواطنة .. المعتقد الديني ليس شرطا في المواطنة


تعتبر المواطنة رهان المستقبل ، بل رهان الألفية الثالثة . المواطنة علاقة سالبة وموجبة بقوة متعادلة بين المواطن والوطن ، تفترض أخذا وعطاء في الحقوق والواجبات ، تؤسس للمساواة والتعاضد ، والتآزر عشقا للوطن وغيرة عليه . وفي الحديث ' حب الأوطان من الإيمان ' .

بالتأسيس على ذلك فالبحث في المواطنة يقتضي منا الحديث في التحديات المرفوعة في وجه الوطن والمواطن ، من هذا المنطلق تأتي هذه 'المحاولة ' في التعريف بالمواطنة والتأصيل لها ، وذلك وفق خطة البحث الآتية :

المبحث الأول: التعريف بالمواطنة
المبحث الثاني: صحيفة المدينة المنورة تأصيل للمواطنة
الخاتمة: التوصيات

المبحث الأول : المواطنة في اللغة والاصطلاح
قبل البحث في المواطنة في الإسلام ، لا بد من تحديد مفهومها لغة واصطلاحا ، وذلك في المطلبين الآتيين ، نتعرض في المطلب الأول للمواطنة في اللغة ، وفي المطلب الثاني للمواطنة في الاصطلاح.

المطلب الأول : المواطنة في اللغة

يعود أصل كلمة المواطنة ومدلولها إلى عهد الحضارة اليونانية القديمة ، والكلمة من ( Polis ) وكانت تعني المدينة باعتبارها بناء حقوقيا ومشاركة في شؤون المدينة .

كما تستعمل كلمة المواطنة كترجمة لكلمة الفرنسية ( Citoyenneté ) ، وهي مشتقة من كلمة ( Cité ) .

وتقابلها باللغة الإنجليزية كلمة ( Citizenship ) المشتقة من كلمة ( City ) ، أي المدينة .

أما المواطنة بمعناها اللغوي العربي، فهي مشتقة من وطن ، وهو بحسب كتاب لسان العرب لابن منظور ' الوطن هو المنزل الذي تقيم فيه ، وهو موطن الإنسان ومحله … ووطن بالمكان واوطن أقام ، وأوطنه اتخذه وطنا ، والموطن … ويسمى به المشهد من مشاهد الحرب وجمعه مواطن، وفي التنزيل العزيز ، لقد نصركم الله في مواطن كثيرة … واوطنت الأرض ووطنتها واستوطنتها أي اتخذتها وطنا، وتوطين النفس على الشيء كالتمهيد ' أنظر ابن منظور ' لسان العرب ' دار صادر بيروت . 1968 ، المجلد 13 ص 451.

المطلب الثاني : المواطنة في الاصطلاح

المواطنة في الاصطلاح هي صفة المواطن الذي له حقوق وعليه واجبات تفرضها طبيعة انتمائه إلى وطن .

ومن هذه الحقوق على سبيل المثال لا الحصر : حق التعليم ، حق الرعاية الصحية ، حق الشغل …

أما الواجبات ، فمنها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر كذلك : واجب الولاء للوطن والدفاع عنه ، وواجب أداء العمل، وإتقانه … إلخ .

وبناء عليه فالمواطنة علاقة الفرد بدولته ، علاقة يحددها الدستور والقوانين المنبثقة عنه والتي تحمل وتضمن معنى المساواة بين من يسمون مواطنين .

وتحيل المواطنة باعتبارها مفهوم قانوني إلى شرطين :

1 – شرط الدولة الوطنية : وما يستتبع ذلك من إقامة مجتمع وطني يقوم على اختيار إرادة العيش المشترك بين أبنائه .

2 – شرط النظام الديمقراطي : ومتطلباته للتوازن بين الحقوق والواجبات ، بين الخاص والعام ، بين الخصوصيات والشمول .

وباختصار ، ' فالمواطنة مفهوم تاريخي شامل ومعقد له أبعاد عديدة ومتنوعة منها ما هو مادي قانوني ، ومنها ما هو ثقافي سلوكي، ومنها أيضا ما هو وسيلة أو غاية يمكن بلوغه تدريجيا ، لذلك فإن نوعية المواطنة في دولة ما تتأثر بالنضج السياسي والرقي الحضاري' أنظر بهذا الشان بشير نافع ، سمير الشميري ، علي خليفة الكواري ( ' المواطنة والديمقراطية في البلدان العربية ' مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية بيروت 2001 ص 27 ) .

واضح إذن ، أن المواطنة ، خيار ديمقراطي اتخذته مجتمعات معينة ، عبر مراحل تاريخية طويلة نسبيا ، فهي كما قال المفكر المصري السيد ياسين : ' ليست المواطنة جوهرا يعطي مرة واحدة وللأبد ' انظر السيد ياسين ' المواطنة في زمن العولمة ' الدار المصرية للطباعة . القاهرة . السنة 2002 ص 22 .

هذا ، وبعدما تعرضنا للمواطنة في اللغة والاصطلاح سننتقل إلى المبحث الثاني المتعلق بالمواطنة بالمدينة المنورة.

المبحث الثاني : المواطنة كما عرفها مجتمع المدينة المنورة .

جاء في القرآن الكريم : ' ولقد كرمنا بني آدم وحملناهم في البر والبحر ورزقناهم من الطيبات وفضلناهم على كثير ممن خلقنا تفضيلا ' سورة الإسراء الآية 70 . وفي حديث رواه مسلم أن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم قال : ' إن الله يعذب الذين يعذبون الناس في الدنيا ' فلم يقل يعذب المسلمين بل عامة الناس ، مسلمين كانوا أم غير مسلمين ، من هنا يتضح أن الإسلام يحرم الاعتداء على الفرد الذي كرمه الله ، إذ الكرامة حق إلهي منحه الله للإنسان من حيث هو إنسان .

وهكذا ، فالمسلم المتشبع بقيم دينه وروح تعاليمه، لا يمكنه إلا أن يكون مواطنا مسؤولا ومتضامنا مع مواطنيه وغيورا على وطنه، فالإسلام يحض أفراده على الارتباط والولاء للأوطان ، فقد جاء في الحديث : ' حب الأوطان من الإيمان ' وقال الخليفة عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه : ' عمر الله البلاد بحب الأوطان ' ، وقال الإمام علي كرم الله وجهه : ' سعادة المرء أن يكون رزقه في بلده ' .

واضح أن الإسلام ، ينص في أحكامه على المواطنة، لكن الحاقدين عليه، يذهبون في الاتجاه الذي يعتبرونه قائما على العقيدة والأخوة الدينية، وليس على المواطنة فهل هذا القول صحيح . للإجابة عن هذا السؤال سنقسم هذا المبحث إلى مطلبين، نتناول في المطلب الأول أحكام الصحيفة التي وضعها عليه السلام كدستور للمدينة ، وفي المطلب الثاني نتناول المواطنة في الإسلام مساواة في الحقوق والواجبات بغض النظر عن المعتقد.

المطلب الأول : صحيفة المدينة تأسيس وتأصيل للمواطنة في الإسلام.

قال ابن إسحاق : وكتب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كتابا بين المهاجرين والأنصار ، وادع فيه يهود وعاهدهم وأقرهم على دينهم واموالهم ، وشرط لهم واشترط عليهم، وتبتدأ الصحيفة بما يلي : ' باسم الله الرحمان الرحيم ، هذا كتاب من محمد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، بين المؤمنين والمسلمين من قريش ويثرب ومن تبعهم، فلحق بهم ، وجاهد معهم، أنهم أمة واحدة من دون الناس، المهاجرون من قريش على ربعتهم ( أي على أمرهم الذي كانوا عليه ) ، وهم يفدون عانيهم بالمعروف والقسط بين المؤمنين ( عانيهم أي اسيرهم ) ...

وجاءت الصحيفة على ذكر أسماء كثير من القبائل كبني عوف وبني الحارث وبني جشم ، وبني النجار، وبني عمرو بن عوف ، وبني النبت ، وبني الأوس … إلى أن أتت على ذكر اليهود … وأن اليهود ينفقون مع المؤمنين ماداموا محاربين ، وأن يهود بني عوف أمة من المؤمنين ، لليهود دينهم، وللمسلمين دينهم … وأن ليهود بني ساعدة مثل ما ليهود بني عوف، وليهود بني ثعلبة مثل ما ليهود بني عوف … وأن جفنة بطن من ثعلب كأنفسهم ( جفنة هم عدد قليل من الناس ، ولكن عدهم الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وأعطاهم حقكم مع عددهم القليل ) ، وأن يثرب حرام جوفها لأهل هذه الصحيفة … وأن يهود الأوس ومواليهم وأنفسهم على مثل ما لأهل هذه الصحيفة …' .

يقول المـفكر الإسلامي المصري محمد سليم العوا بخصوص نص هذه الوثيقة : ' كان أول لقاء بين الإسلام نظام للدولة وبين غير المسلمين – مواطنين في الدولة الإسلامية هو الذي حدث في المدينة المنورة غداة هجرة الرسول إليها ، هناك كتب النبي أو أمر بكتابة الصحفية التي يعرفها التاريخ الإسلامي السياسي باسم صحيفة المدينة ، أو دستور المدينة أو كتاب النبي إلى أهل المدينة '.( أنظر محمد سليم العوا ' الأقباط والإسلام ' دار شروق القاهرة .1987 ص 35 ) . ويضيف : ' أن هذه الوثيقة تجعل غير المسلمين المقيمين في دولة المدينة مواطنين فيها، لهم من الحقوق مثل ما للمسلمين، وعليهم من الواجبات مثل ما على المسلمين إلا ما أستثني بنص أو إجماع وذلك مقتضى الشركة في الوطن الواحد ' .

هذه الوثيقة لم يفرضها الرسول، صلى الله عليه وسلم وإنما جاء كثمرة لمشاورات مع المهاجرين والأنصار والجماعات اليهودية التي كان لها حضور في المدينة .

بنود هذه الوثيقة مبنية على أسس ثابتة وعلى قواعد شرعية ، فمن تلك القواعد الآية الكريمة : ' لا ينهاكم الله عن الذين لم يقاتلوكم في الدين ولم يخرجوكم من دياركم أن تبروهم وتقسطوا إليهم إن الله يحب المقسطين ' . ســورة الممـتحنة الآية 8 .

الوثيقة أعطت حق المواطنة للمقيمين قي المدينة من مهاجرين وأنصار ويهود وغيرهم بصرف النظر عن العقيدة وجعلت غير المسلمين في دولة المدينة مواطنين فيها لهم من الحقوق مثل ما للمسلمين وعليهم من الواجبات ما على المسلمين طبقا للمبدأ الفقهي العام ' لهم مالنا وعليهم ما علينا ' إذ على أساس قاعدة المساواة في الحقوق والالتزامات بين اليهود والمسلمين والنصارى وغيرهم ، تشكل المجتمع الإسلامي، وهذا ما أسماه عياض بن عاشور ' المجتمع السياسي في المفهوم الإسلامي يحتوي على الأمة المسلمة وغيرها من المجموعات غير المسلمة ' ( أنظر عياض بن عاشور ' التصورات الدستورية في الإسلام السني ' مطبعة النجاح الجديدة الدار البيضاء . 1999 ، ص 23 ).

هذا ، وبعدما تعرضنا لأحكام الصحيفة كأساس للمواطنة في المطلب الأول ، سنعرض في المطلب الثاني إلى أن أساس المواطنة في الإسلام المساواة في الحقوق والواجبات بصرف النظر عن المعتقد الديني.

المطلب الثاني : المواطنة في الإسلام مساواة في الحقوق والواجبات

يذهب البعض إلى القول أن الإسلام يقوم على الأخوة الدينية ، وبالتالي فلا مجال للحديث عن المواطنة، إن من نافلة القـول أن المواطنة ليست هي الأخوة الدينية : ' المسلم أخو المسلم ' ، كما جاء في حديث رواه البخاري، فالمسلم يرتبط مع أخيه بروابط فوق الزمان والمكان، وصحيح أن القرآن الكريم يحتوي على نصوص ترفع من شأن الأخوة الإيمانية : ' إنما المؤمنون أخوة فأصلحوا بين أخويكم واتقوا الله لعلكم تفلحون ' ( سورة الحجرات الآية 10 . ) .

وينهى القرآن الكريم عن موالاة غير المسلمين وغير المؤمنين . قال الله تعالى : ' لا يتخذ المؤمنون الكافرين أولياء من دون المؤمنين ومن يفعل ذلك فليس من الله في شيء، إلا أن تتقوا منهم ثقاة ، ويحذركم الله نفسه، وإلى الله المصــير' ( سورة آل عمران الآية 28 ) . كما قال تعالى : ' يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا الكافرين أولياء من دون المؤمنين أتريدون أن تجعلوا لله عليكم سلـطان مبينا ' سورة النساء الآية 144.

ولكن هذا كله لا يعني أن الأخوة الدينية تتناقض مع المواطنة الحديثة، وإنما الرابطة الدينية تعزز وتدعم المواطنة ، إذ لا شيء يمنع تعايش وارتباط المسلم مع غيره بميثاق المواطنة، وفيما يخص تفسير النهي الوارد في الآيات القرآنية، يذكر الشيخ محمد الغزالي رحمه الله ، إنما وردت جميعا في : ' المعتدين على الإسلام والمحاربين لأهله أو المتربصين به ' ( انظر بهذا الشأن محمد الغزالي . ' التعصب والتسامح بين المسيحية والإسلام ' . دار الكتب الحديثة . القاهررة ص 54 . 55 ) ، وأخذ بنفس التفسير المفكر الإسلامي محمد سليم العوا ، عندما قال : ' غير المسلم الذي لا يحارب الإسلام قد تكون مودته واجبة وصلته فريضة دينية وذلك شأن الزوجة الكتابية وأهلها الذين هم أخوال أبناء المسلم وجده وجدته، وكلهم من الأرحام الذين صلتهم واجبة على المسلم ' . وفي تفسيره لمعنى النهي عن الموالاة الواردة في الآيات السابق ذكرها يعتبر محمد سليم العوان : ' أن الأصل هو المودة والبر، والاستثناء عندما تقوم دواعيه وأسبابه، أن يمتنع المسلم عن موالاة الكافرين أو مودتهم، إنصارا لدينه وانحيازا لأهل عقيدته ' . ( أنظر محمد سليم العوا ' الأقباط والإسلام ' دار الشرق ، القاهرة ).

وعلى هذا الأساس، وانطلاقا من أحكام الصحيفة، جعلت كل الأفراد والجماعات التي اتخذت من المدينة وطنا ، المؤمنين واليهود والنصارى وغيرهم، مواطنين متساويين في الحقوق والواجبات بصرف النظر عن المعتقد الديني ، وهذا يعني بمفهوم المخالفة أن الإسلام لم يعتبر حينها شرطا في المواطنة ، فالأمة التي تقوم على عاتقها دولة الإسلام يجب أن تقوم على أساس المواطنة والمساواة في الحقوق والواجبات بصرف النظر عن المعتقد الديني، يقول الشيخ راشد الغنشوتي في هذا الشان : ' إن مفهوم الأمة لا يجب أن يقوم على أساس العقيدة في دولة الإسلام بل على طبيعة أشمل يدخل ضمنه أصحاب العقائد الأخرى ليشكلوا مع بقية المؤمنين أمة سياسية واحدة يتمتعون بحقوق المواطنة التي تفرض عليهم واجبات مقابل تمتعهم بالحقوق ' ( انظر راشد الغنوشي ' الحريات العامة في الدولة الإسلامية ' مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية ، بيروت 1999 ، ص : 49 . ).

الخلاصة :

1 – إن الإسلام كرم الإنسان وأعلا من شانه كمخلوق بغض النظر عن عقيدته، ويستمد الإنسان تكريمه بصفته مواطنا، لكن يجب الوضع في الاعتبار أن المواطنة في الإسلام مواطنة مسؤولة ، يقول في هذا الشأن الأكاديمي الغربي عباس الجراري : ' المواطنة في الإسلام مواطنة شريفة ومسؤولة تستمد شرفها ومسؤوليتها من تكريم الله للإنسان ' أنظر عباس الجراري ' مفهوم التعايش في الإسلام ' منشورات اسيسكو، الرباط . 1986 . ص 37 .

2 – يجب الأخذ في الاعتبار أنه لا تعارض بين الأخوة الدينية والمواطنة، يقول رفعة الطهطاوي بهذا الشأن : ' جميع ما يجب على المؤمن لأخيه المؤمن يجب على أعضاء الوطن في حقوق بعضهم على بعض لما بينهم من الأخوة الوطنية فضلا عن الأخوة الدينية، فيجب أدبا لمن يجمعهم وطن واحد التعاون على تحسين الوطن وتكميل نظامه فيما يخص شرف الوطن وإعظامه وغناه وثروته ' . انظر رفاعة الطهطاوي ' مناهج الألباب ' المجلس الأعلى للثقافة ، القاهرة . 2002 ص 18 .

3 – ضرورة الوضع في الاعتبار، أن المواطنة قبل أن تكون حقوقا فهي واجبات، يقول كذلك رفعة الطهطاوي في هذا الشأن : ' فصفة الوطنية لا تستدعي فقط أن يطلب الإنسان حقوقه الواجبة له على الوطن، بل يجب عليه أيضا أن يؤدي الحقوق التي للوطن عليه، فإذا لم يوف أحد أبناء الوطن بحقوق وطنه ضاعت حقوقه المدنية التي يستحقها على وطنه ' . انظر رفاعة الطهطاوي ' المرشد الأمين للبنات والبنين ' المجلس الأعلى للثقافة القاهرة . 2002 . ص : 95 .

4 – ضرورة الوضع في الاعتبار أن : ' المواطنة المؤمنة ' كما يسميها المفكر الإسلامي طارق رمضان، تفرض على الفرد المؤمن المخلص لتعاليم الدين أن يكون ملتزما بقوانين وطنه الأساسية، وأن ينبذ العنف بكل أشكاله . فأخلاقيات المواطنة بحسبه ، تتنافى وكل مظاهر العنف . ومن واجبات المواطنة الانخراط والمشاركة السياسية الإيجابية . وفي هذا الصدد يؤكد طارق رمضان على ثلاثة معايير موضوعية وضرورية للمشاركة السياسية في انتخاب واختيار المرشحين وهي - الاستقامة والكفاءة وإرادة تسديد الخدمة .

Voir TARIQ RAMADAN « Les musulmans d’occident et l’avenir de l’islam' Edition SINDIBAD . Paris . 2003 . P. 287 .

- 5 - ونؤكد في الأخير على ضرورة إعتزاز المسلم بانتمائه لوطنه لأن ذلك من صميم الإسلام، ومتى ما تمكنت المواطنة من المواطن ، انتخب مواطنا صالحا، يقول رفعة الطهطاوي في كتابه الشهير : ' مناهج الألباب ' المجلس الأعلى للثقافة . القاهرة 2002 ، ص 18 ' فحب الأوطان الحقيقي والغيرة عليها متى حلت ببدن الإنسان ظهرت الحمية الوطنية وولعت بمنافع المدينة ، فيحصل لهذا الوطن من التمدن الحقيقي، المعنوي والمادي، كمال الأمنية فيقدح زناد الكد والكدح والنهضة بالحركة والنقلة ' والإقدام على ركوب الأخطار …' ./.

نقلا عن موقع البديل الحضاري

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

نقابة بريطانية تقاطع المنتجات الاسرائيلية

قررت احدى النقابات العمالية البريطانية الكبرى مقاطعة المنتجات “الإسرائيلية” احتجاجا على معاناة الفلسطينيين في حين تقوم شركات مملوكى لكبار المسئولين الاردنيين بتسويق هذه المنتوجات في الاسواق العربية عبر الاردن.

وأعلن متحدث باسم اتحاد عمال المواصلات الذي يضم أكثر من 800 الف منتسب في جميع انحاء بريطانيا، انه صوت بأغلبية واسعة خلال مؤتمر مندوبيه في برايتون جنوب انجلترا على مقاطعة المنتجات القادمة من “إسرائيل”. وقال باري كامفيلد الأمين العام المساعد للنقابة “إننا بتأييدنا مقاطعة المنتجات والسلع “الإسرائيلية” نوجه رسالة إلى “إسرائيل”. واضاف “هذه ليست دعوة إلى مقاطعة الحوار او إلى تحرك صناعي” مذكرا بأن “المقاطعة لعبت دورا حاسما في جنوب افريقيا من أجل تحرير هذا البلد من نظام الفصل العنصري. والآن نعمل على تحرير الشعب الفلسطيني من معاناته على أيدي الآلة العسكرية “الإسرائيلية” وقالت المتحدثة باسم النقابة كلير اينسلي ان حوالى 75% من المندوبين ال350 صوتوا لمصلحة المذكرة وكانت نقابة الجامعات والكليات، كبرى نقابات التعليم العالي في بريطانيا، دعت في مايو/ايار إلى مقاطعة الجامعات “الإسرائيلية” تضامنا مع الفلسطينيين.

نقله عن موقع عرب تايمز

Monday, July 2, 2007

Against terrorist plots By Musrata

Its too early to talk about who's behind the failed terrorists plots which took place in the UK recently, but we like to make it loud and clear they we (Muslims) condemn this devil's act simply because Islam is religion of peace and this is what any objective review of History will say, even if we look at recent data we'll find that in the last press release of the European Police Office published in April this year they stated that the number of Terrorist attacks which took place in EU in the year 2006 were 498 and only one of those was linked to Islamist fanatic group !May Allah grant peace to all (Muslims and Non muslims)..Ameeen!


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

special Dua’a for Palestine A. Hresha

Please; make special Dua’a for Palestine, IRAQ, Afghanistan and all Muslim Ummah.
One million Dua’a campaign Let's put our hands together and give one day for our Islamic nation Dear Brothers and Sisters If you really care about the Muslims' Blood in Iraq , Palestine and everywhere else so please contribute with us in the International day for supporting the Muslims The participation is very easy as follow: Fasting Monday 2nd of July 2007 (For those who can fast).
Dua’a after each prayer in that day and especially at the time of Iftar.
TheDua’a is to ask Allah to unify Muslim Ummah, and to save Muslims' blood.
Participating in telling the other brothers and sister about this day. Dearest brothers and sisters
Please be positive and participate in this day. We are around 1.3 billion Muslim, can not we find one million whom will fast and make Dua’a. May Allah look and accept one of them.
Do not sit down as you do not care about what is going on. Send this letter and participate in that day.
Translate this letter to the language you now and send it to all Muslims. Be one of the Million Muslims in that day.
Our meeting is 2nd of July 2007 after each prayer and at the time of Iftar
Your brother Abdulmonem Hresha
Muslim Association of Britain

دعاء لفلسطين عبدالمنعم حريشة

حملة المليون دعاء لنضع أيدينا يدا بيد و نعطي يوما في السنة لأمتنا الإسلامية أيها الأخ الغالي ايتها الأخت الغالية إذا كان يهمك حقن دماء المسلمين في العراق و فلسطين و غيرها من بلاد المسلمين فشارك معنا في اليوم العالمي لمناصرة المسلمين في كل أنحاء العالم المشاركة بسيطة و برنامجها التالي :
- صيام يوم الاثنين 2/يوليو- تموز/2007 م لله تعالى - لمن يستطيع-
- الدعاء بعد كل صلاة في هذا اليوم و خاصة عند الإفطار (صلاة المغرب ) لحقن دماء المسلمين و جمع شملهم و توحيد كلمتهم.
- المشاركة في جمع مليون دعاء و صائم في هذا اليوم.
أخيالحبيب و أختي الحبيبة شارك معنا في هذه الحملة فالمسلمين 1.3 مليار ألانستطيع أن نجمع مليون منهم ., لعل الله عز و جل يستجيب دعاء أحدنا.
لا تجلس و كأن الأحداث لا تهمك...
كن ايجابيا شارك .. شارك . .
أرسل هذه الرسالة و شارك بنفسك في هذا اليوم
ترجم هذه الرسالة إلى اللغة التي تعرفها و أرسلها إلى المسلمين غير العرب.
كن مع مليون مسلم في هذا اليوم
لقاءنا 2/يوليو-تموز/2007 م بعد كل صلاة و عند الإفطار
أخوكم عبدالمنعم حريشة
الرابطة الإسلامية في بريطانيا

Sunday, June 17, 2007

In support of Alquds Sun, 10 Jun 2007

There was activity held yesterday in the city centre in support of Alquds and Palestine and there was few Muslims there whom were outnumbered hugely by non muslims !! It was uplifting but also embarrassing to see all those non Muslims participating in such basic (related to muslims) issue while muslims were Allah knows where ? SHAME !! the question is what is your opinion about that ? what did you do for that particular occasion and similar activities (there wasn't even a note about this in your blog ?!) and why muslims seem not interested any more??..needless to say that few Palestinians attended and very very few number of muslims from other nationalities or origins while the rest of muslims were enjoying yesterday the sunshine and having barbeques here and there or just resting in the comfort of their own homes ??!! Is this what Islam taught us ? SHAME !

Mr Abdelgawi Almusrati

Asssalamu Alyakum

It is true that we have to be represented. Next time you will find us there. There is no excuse for any of us not to stand for the right cause.
Please note the organisers never notified us but we assure you there will be participation in such events. Thanks again and jazakumo Allhu khair for your good intention.

The Muslim lobby

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tough Stance on Shannon 07/06/07

Dr.Coilin sent the following message and want it to be circulated:

Please phone the green party office and individual TD's to ask for a tough stance on Shannon.

As soon as possible as they are negotiating with the government.
Contact both party office at 01 6790012

saying 'I would like you to have a tough stance on Shannon and should not be used for Rendition flights or transporting weapons to kill Innocent people in the Middle East.'

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Muslims of Europe, Brussels, March 2007

This book Issued by the European council for Fatwa and Reseach. It talks about the participation of Muslims in the political arena and sums the different opinions that are simmering in their communities. The book contains 350 pages, of which we only give a humble introdution , Please click on the picture to enlarge.

Monday, May 28, 2007

A Muslim lobby at Whitehall By ingenta connect

A Muslim lobby at Whitehall
Examining the role of the Muslim minority in British foreign policy making
Author: Radcliffe L.
Source: Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Volume 15, Number 3, July 2004, pp. 365-386(22)
Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group

Abstract:While much has been written on the role of ethnic and religious pressure groups in US foreign policy making, little has been noted of the participation of these groups in the British context. This paper examines the role of the British Muslim community in the making of British foreign policy. In particular, it examines the lobbying activity of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), which, though only established in 1997, has achieved prominence in political and media circles. This study reveals a disparity between the MCB's regular access to government ministers and officials under the New Labour tenure and its only limited influence in foreign policy making. More generally, it seeks to show the complexity of the relationship between domestic and foreign policy as well as between culture and politics.
Document Type: Research article
DOI: 10.1080/0959641042000233282
Affiliations: 1: St Anthony's College Oxford

The full text article is available for purchase
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Sunday, May 27, 2007

واجباتهم تجاه افراد الجالية 27.05.07

انما الحب في الله والكره في الله وليس في الاشخاص. فالشخص انما هو عبارة عن عبد من عباد الله سخر من اجل مصلحة وانيطت له مهمة لانجازها على اكمل وجه. وانه كل من يشتغل في سلك الله هو منا ونحن منه فلا يسع لنا الا ان نقول كلمة الحق التي نعتقد انها حقا بدون الحط من عمل الاخرين.

ان المساجد في ايرلندا تعتبر حديثة عهد وان المسلمين قليلين وانه لمن النزاهة والعفة بمكان ان يرشد المسجد الى دوره ان رات الجالية الاسلامية في ايرلندا تقصيرا, ولكننا نرى جوانب كثيرة من الايجابية والتفهم من قبل الادارة ونسأل الله ان يعينهم على خدمة جاليتنا في ايرلندا وليعلموا علم اليقين انهم مسؤولون امام الله ان لم يقوموا بواجباتهم تجاه افراد الجالية.

وانه لمن المسؤولية التي تقع على عاتق المسلم لوبي في ايرلندا بان ترشد المسلمين الى تشكيل هيئة اوقاف تحت الحكومة الايرلندية كي تصبح المساجد ملكا للجالية ليس لدولة خارجية وبهذا تكون ميزانية الاوقاف من الدولة التي ندفع لها الضرائب. وقد يكون هذا أمرا من ضرب الخيال في ايرلندا الدولة الكاثوليكية المتشددة ولكنه لابأس من طرق الباب . فان المسلمين في تزايد وان التنظيم هو الذي يفرض الاتحاد علينا جميعا. فجلنا يريد حقوقه وحرية العبادة من حقه المكفول في هذا البلد ما لم تمس احدا بسوء. او تقترف جريمة بسبب معتقد او استهتا را بدين او ملة او تحقيرا لشخص على شخص او انتقاصا من حقوق الاخرين.

فرحم الله كل من عمل عملا يريد به وجه الله واكرم الله كل من اكرم المسلمين واعطاهم حقوقهم وسعى من اجل اكرامهم وارشادهم ودعنا ان لا ننتقص ممن يشتغل من اجل هذا ولا تحقرن من المعروف شيئا فكله يصب في خانة مساعدة المسلمين . فالى العمل الصالح فان الموت آت لا محالة وان العمل منقطع بعده وان الندم لا ينفع بعد الموت .

كتبه د بشير رجب الاصيبعي

Saturday, May 26, 2007

26 May 2007 موقف المسجد

السلام عليكم..
ارجو زيادة توضيح موقف المسجد وهل كونه علي حياد يعني بالضرورة انه يحرض المسلمين في هذه البلاد علي ان يكونوا ايضا علي الحياد ؟ وما المشكلة لو ان مساجد ايرلندا كان لها دور اكبر في تعريف المسلمين بأهمية هذا الموضوع وتعريف الأحزاب ايضا بأهمية اصوات الجالية ومطالبها؟ نرجو مزيد توضيح حول موقف مساجد ايرلندا من هذا الموضوع الهام
"Wael Benfayed"
كان التعليق على الاتي
Important notice:
Please note the Islamic cultural Centre and all mosques are neutral bodies
نرجو من الجميع ان يعلم بان المساجد انما هي مؤسسات محايدة
وانما نتحدث هنا عن صوت المسلم وليس صوت المسجد
FAO: All Recipients 24 May 2007
It is a long established policy of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland to remain impartial during national and local political elections. It is not the policy of the ICCI to canvass on behalf of any individual or party. The ICCI firmly disassociates itself from the decision by any group, body or lobby to encourage its members or community to vote for one particular party or individual. It is the choice of the individual to vote for the person/party that they feel will address their concerns at government level. The ICCI also disassociates itself from any group, body, or lobby that slanders the characters of any individuals whether Muslim or non-Muslim. The ICCI encourage all Muslims to vote and also cast their votes with wisdom. Issued by ICCI Administration

Friday, May 25, 2007

If you have a comment please let us know.

Due to the fact that Finna Fail were the pioneers of 10 yrs of good economic and political achievement it is obvious that they will win. The PD have angered the masses with their ill behaviour and therefore did not do well.
As far as we are concerned Connor Lenihan had promised the Muslim community in his south Dublin constituency
to look into individual needs and to try to lobby with us to get a a land for our culture project.
Berty had promised quite few Muslims to help them with their friends immigration problem and visiting rights for their parents
and some need help with housing.
Your vote means a lot in this country and therefore we as Muslims should use our vote sensibly.
if you voted please let us know who you voted for and what did you ask him to do ? waiting for your e mail.

If you have a comment please let us know.
And special thanks for those already sent their comments.

FAO: All Recipients 24 May 2007

It is a long established policy of the Islamic Cultural Centre of
Ireland to remain impartial during national and local political
elections. It is not the policy of the ICCI to canvass on behalf of
individual or party. The ICCI firmly disassociates itself from the
decision by any group, body or lobby to encourage its members or
community to vote for one particular party or individual. It is the
choice of the individual to vote for the person/party that they feel
will address their concerns at government level. The ICCI also
disassociates itself from any group, body, or lobby that slanders the
characters of any individuals whether Muslim or non-Muslim. The ICCI
encourage all Muslims to vote and also cast their votes with wisdom.

Issued by ICCI Administration

Voting in the General Election 24th May 2007

Voting in the General Election 24th May 2007

To vote you should have Irish passport or British Passport although they might not ask you for it.

Some people asking how should they vote.

There is no one will tell you to vote for this or that as it is your own choice and right to give your vote to whom you want and also you can abstain if you want to.
But for those who are voting they may consider Individual community needs which will be the issue for voting for each Muslim locality in each constituency.

Example points to be discussed with your electorate before giving him your vote:

· There are some schools in Ireland which are not accepting Muslim children their reason
Being that Muslim children should be minded while the rest of children in the church and they would not have enough staff plus don’t have insurance to be left alone while the teachers in the church.
The school under Catholic administration, it is easy to accept an immigrant child of Catholic background while some schools rejecting Muslim children.
(This might goes for Protestant Hindu and other religions.)

· Jobs: there are many jobs but there is some under surface racism that needs to be addressed and eliminated.
· Muslim social and cultural site and a place of worship or a piece of land to erect a mosque and cultural building in the locality. It might not easy to establish but a good try.
· Parents of immigrants can’t be granted visa easily to come to visit their son or daughter and their grand children.
· Not many immigrants from Muslim background are employed in government circles although they are paying taxes and have higher degrees.
· Immigrants are faced with PD minister who is restricted visas and giving immigrants hard time.
· Students graduated from Irish university have no rights to apply for full resident visa although they have the right to stay and work in the country.

There are some electorate who pledged to help the Muslims in Ireland in various constituencies.

If you have any comment please let us know .

The Muslim Lobby 1st meeting 7th May 2007

The Muslim Lobby
E mail:
“Time of Election is Time of Concession”

The first meeting was conducted yesterday with the presence of the following:

Dr NooH ElGedo
Shiekh Yahyah Alhusaini
Kamal Ghanim
Naveed yousif

The meeting opened with Br Michael reflecting on the Muslims in America where they have the organisation CARE which is representing the Muslims in America and how they are active in pursuing their own rights. Also a mention of the strongest lobby in America which is the Ak or what is known to us as the Jewish lobby.
then suggestions where invited from those present and everyone mentioned points. The following are minutes of the meeting:
1. We need Press Complaint Officer.
2. Individual community needs should be the issue for voting for each Muslim locality in the constituency.
3. Investing in establishing good and effective relations with politicians. We need to support them so they will support us.
4. On the long run we should aim at the long time process to succeed to find working strategy for certain areas of interest.
5. We should give e.g. votes and support before demand or requesting politicians to do things for us.
6. We suppose to ask for our own rights this implies that we don’t have to involve ourselves in politics.
7. Voting for the right candidate is essential so we encourage people to read the manifesto of the party.
8. Muslims in Ireland have less problems than the rest of the world therefore time personal contact and right candidate must be approached.
9. Encourage Muslim people to involve in different parties in the country.
10. The Muslim Lobby is only representing those believe in the idea.


Calling for the First Meeting 3 May 2007

The Muslim Lobby (Ireland)

It is paramount for the Muslims to have The Muslim Pressure Group.
To be represented as one voice one list of demands
Canvassing votes:
To gather votes for all Muslims
To choose which party is the best to serve the Muslims demands.
We going to call for a preparative meeting on 7th May 7.30 pm at clonskeagh main office building.
this is only first meeting to get things going. If you think of yurself as an active person who can help with this role and want to attend please e mail back

Agenda of the meeting

1. introduction to pressure group
2. invite suggestion from those presents
3. Issues and list of demands


The Muslim Lobby (Ireland) 1 May 2007

The Muslim Lobby (Ireland)

It is paramount for the Muslims to have The Muslim Lobby.
To be represented as one voice one list of demands
Canvassing votes:
To gather votes for all Muslims
To choose which party is the best to serve the Muslims demands.


Consultation 5 Feb 2007

Dear Dr. Nooh
Assalamu alaykum

could you please send me the relevant contacts and telephone numbers of those people who will be of benefit to the project as I need to contact them and let them know immediatey
Please add few ideas to
The Muslim Lobby (Ireland) breif down below


The Muslim Lobby (Ireland)

It is paramount for the Muslims to have The Muslim Lobby.
To be represented as one voice one list of demands
Canvassing votes:
To gather votes for all Muslims
To side with the right party that which fulfils our demands.

other ideas please: _