The Muslim Lobby (Ireland)
It is paramount for the Muslims to have The Muslim Pressure Group.
To be represented as one voice one list of demands
Canvassing votes:
To gather votes for all Muslims
To choose which party is the best to serve the Muslims demands.
We going to call for a preparative meeting on 7th May 7.30 pm at clonskeagh main office building.
this is only first meeting to get things going. If you think of yurself as an active person who can help with this role and want to attend please e mail back
Agenda of the meeting
1. introduction to pressure group
2. invite suggestion from those presents
3. Issues and list of demands
Muslim Lobby looking for the following volunteers
*Muslim Lobby looking for the following volunteers: (women and men are
invited, full training will be given)*
*1-Blog Managers.*
*2- Spokes person.*
*3- New...