School Cultural Mediation Project Dublin 7
They have Launched their Evaluation Report, although the government stopped funding the project.
لقد منعت الحكومة دعم هذه المنظمة التي كانت تترجم قصاصات الورق لجميع اللغات الغير انجليزية حتى تعلم اولاياء امور التلاميذ مذا يحدث بين المدرس والطالب. وهذه حركة تعلميمة مهمة حيث ان اولياء الامور لا يعلمون ماذا بقصاصات الورق التي تبعث مع ابنهم او بنتهم ولا يعرفون كيف يتعاملون مع المدرس. فهناك شئ مهم وهو ان التعليم البيتي ضروري عند ما يرجع التلميذ الى البيت.
The Schools Cultural Mediation Project aims at ensuring that parents of minority language students of schools and after-schools in the Dublin 7 Schools Completion Programme cluster can participate in the life of the school on the same basis as Irish parents and therefore become integrated in the school community.Target groupMinority language parents of students of schools/after-schools in the Dublin 7 School Completion Programme cluster.10 schools (7 primary/ 3 secondary) in the Dublin 7 School Completion Programme cluster.ObjectivesTo provide a translation service for migrant parents in the targeted schools
Dissemination of existing translated documents relevant to migrant parents
Commission translation of specific documents relevant to each school (code of behaviour, various forms, policies)
Customise and translate relevant information around education services for migrant parents.To provide an interpretation service for the main meetings between targeted schools’ staff and migrant parents.
Recruiting interpreters
Providing training for community interpreters
Supervising and supporting community interpreters
Providing interpretation service for schools.To research and provide a cultural mediation service for the targeted schools
Research models of school/after-school cultural mediation
Providing training for school/after-school cultural mediation.To promote mutual respect, good relations and frequent interactions between education services and migrant parents.
Ongoing provision of relevant information to parents;
Involving parents in community learning through DIT, VEC or Community Links;
Ongoing assessment of the parents and the schools’ needs;
Offering support to parents.To create a more inclusive school environment and to mainstream the provision of translation/ interpretation/ cultural mediation within the educational services in the area
Ongoing evaluation and assessment of the project;
Ensuring good working relationships with the schools;
Supporting schools in their inclusion initiatives.To establish a working group on psychological assessment for minority language/ culture children enrolled in the targeted schools.
Contact Information:Dublin 7 Schools Cultural Mediation ProjectNorth West Inner City Network,1st Floor,31, Bolton Street, Dublin 1tel: 01 - 87 82 906
E-mail: mailto:coordinator-scmp@nwicn.ie
They have Launched their Evaluation Report, although the government stopped funding the project.
لقد منعت الحكومة دعم هذه المنظمة التي كانت تترجم قصاصات الورق لجميع اللغات الغير انجليزية حتى تعلم اولاياء امور التلاميذ مذا يحدث بين المدرس والطالب. وهذه حركة تعلميمة مهمة حيث ان اولياء الامور لا يعلمون ماذا بقصاصات الورق التي تبعث مع ابنهم او بنتهم ولا يعرفون كيف يتعاملون مع المدرس. فهناك شئ مهم وهو ان التعليم البيتي ضروري عند ما يرجع التلميذ الى البيت.
The Schools Cultural Mediation Project aims at ensuring that parents of minority language students of schools and after-schools in the Dublin 7 Schools Completion Programme cluster can participate in the life of the school on the same basis as Irish parents and therefore become integrated in the school community.Target groupMinority language parents of students of schools/after-schools in the Dublin 7 School Completion Programme cluster.10 schools (7 primary/ 3 secondary) in the Dublin 7 School Completion Programme cluster.ObjectivesTo provide a translation service for migrant parents in the targeted schools
Dissemination of existing translated documents relevant to migrant parents
Commission translation of specific documents relevant to each school (code of behaviour, various forms, policies)
Customise and translate relevant information around education services for migrant parents.To provide an interpretation service for the main meetings between targeted schools’ staff and migrant parents.
Recruiting interpreters
Providing training for community interpreters
Supervising and supporting community interpreters
Providing interpretation service for schools.To research and provide a cultural mediation service for the targeted schools
Research models of school/after-school cultural mediation
Providing training for school/after-school cultural mediation.To promote mutual respect, good relations and frequent interactions between education services and migrant parents.
Ongoing provision of relevant information to parents;
Involving parents in community learning through DIT, VEC or Community Links;
Ongoing assessment of the parents and the schools’ needs;
Offering support to parents.To create a more inclusive school environment and to mainstream the provision of translation/ interpretation/ cultural mediation within the educational services in the area
Ongoing evaluation and assessment of the project;
Ensuring good working relationships with the schools;
Supporting schools in their inclusion initiatives.To establish a working group on psychological assessment for minority language/ culture children enrolled in the targeted schools.
Contact Information:Dublin 7 Schools Cultural Mediation ProjectNorth West Inner City Network,1st Floor,31, Bolton Street, Dublin 1tel: 01 - 87 82 906
E-mail: mailto:coordinator-scmp@nwicn.ie
M Duffy
Eilis Murray