People Before Profit Alliance
The People Before Profit Alliance was formally established in October 2005 by workers from a variety of local campaigns. Its aim is to reverse neo-liberal policies which place wealth creation....
Fianna Fáil
Fianna Fáil is the largest political party in Ireland. Their influence dominated Irish government and Irish political life from the 1930's onwards
Socialist Workers Party
The SWP was originally founded in 1971 as the Socialist Workers Movement but changed its name to the Socialist Workers Party at its conference in 1995.
Socialist Party
The Socialist Party is currently Ireland's only Marxist and socialist organisation with electoral representation in Dáil Éireann. It is affiliated to the Trotskyist Committee for a Workers'..

Sinn Féin's aims are based on building a true democracy, where both political and economic power is distributed as widely as possible an Ireland based on equality, justice, rights and empowerment

The Labour Party is a social democratic political party in the Republic of Ireland. Founded by James Connolly in 1912, the Labour Party claims to be the country's oldest political party

The Dáil has 13 deputies who do not represent any particular party. As one would expect, they are a diverse group of politicians. The Independents from rural areas are generally conservative

Fine Gael
Fine Gael are strongly pro-EU integration and opposed to radical and violent Irish republicanism, advocating a more pluralist, tolerant brand of Irish nationalism

Green Party
The Green Party believe that all political, social & economic decisions should be taken at the lowest effective level and that society should be guided by self-reliance and co-operation at all levels.

Our party's aim is to win the support of the Irish people for ending the capitalist system and for building socialism. It is actively opposed to the European Constitution and privatisation